Tag: development (page 2 of 7)

My Outreachy 2019 experience with Fedora Happiness Packets: Contribution phase

Firstly, what’s Outreachy?

Outreachy is a program that provides internships to work in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Outreachy internships are open to applicants around the world. Interns work remotely, and are not required to move. Interns are paid a stipend of $5,500 USD for the three month internship. Interns have a $500 USD travel stipend to attend conferences or events.

How did I get into it?

I was looking for a remote job (more on this in another blog) and have been applying to many positions that I thought I would fit in. If you have applied to jobs, you would know that this process is not very forgiving. Most of the applications had no response, and some others already had the positions filled (I don’t know why was the job listing not taken down 😕).

During this process I was actively learning new things, mostly JS based since my basic stack is HTML-CSS-JS. So I was learning NodeJs, MongoDB, React to build up my skill-set and get better at what I want to do.

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Fedora Kernel and i18n Test Day: PICT College


We met for 2 meeting instances to plan this college meetup, once on 30th August 2018 and then again on 3rd September 2018 in Red Hat office. This event was planned as an alternative to the September Fedora Pune Meetup. We decided to do something different this time by executing a recent Fedora 29 test day with a room full of students of Computer department in the PICT college of Pune. Professor Mayur was our point of contact in the college and we had shared the Fedora 29 image under test with him. He ensured students have it installed on their respective systems before the actual test day. Pravin Satpute from Red hat helped us with coordination with the college. Kaushik Banerjee arranged for few Fedora and Red Hat badges to distribute among the attending students. The event took place on Friday, 7th September 2018.

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Outreachy 2019 with Fedora Happiness Packets: application period

Outreachy provides remote internship under Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Communities to the under represented groups in technology. It runs twice an year, mid-year and end of year. I decided to participate in its summer run.

Why Outreachy?

Before I get into anything, as a rule of thumb, I ask myself why? Why is it that I wanted to participate in Outreachy?

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FAS username search in Fedora Happiness Packets

I have been recently working on incorporation of Fedora Accounts System’s username search functionality in the project “Fedora Happiness Packets”. After weeks of working, it’s so overwhelming to see its on the verge of completion and being incorporated in the project.

About the project

The search functionality is used to find the name and email address of Fedora Accounts System’s users from their username, making it a lot easier for any sender to send happiness packets to a particular user with the knowledge of just their username.

Getting started with python-fedora API

For incorporating the search, python-fedora API is used to retrieve the data. After authenticating as a genuine fas-user by passing credentials to AccountSystem, we can retrieve the data using the method person_by_username of a fas2 object.

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Open Power Summit 2018 event report

With some rather unfortunate delays is my report from last year’s Open Power Summit. Let’s dive in it, without further delay.

It took place between 3th and 4th October 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is event organized by the Open Power Foundation, steward of the Open Power CPU ISA. It is open and builds on top of the heritage of the past Power architectures, enabling any vendor or individual to dive in to the technical deeps of it or even implement it on their own.

 At the venue there have been booths of different foundation members and affiliated organizations. Like Raptor engineering with their Talos II and Blackbird platforms on showcase, Mellanox with accelerators cards, Yadro with big-data memory(RAM) dense servers or OpenCAPI consortium with bunch of accelerators from various manufacturers that are leveraging the OpenCAPI standard, just to note few. To add on the OpenCAPI it is open offspring of the CAPI that has been introduced by IBM with their Power8 architecture.

OpenCAPI booth
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GSoC Project Report: Improve Fedora App Backend (amitosh)

Fedora has an android app which lets a user browse Fedora Magazine, Fedora Ask, Fedocal etc within it. This app is build using the Ionic Framework, Angular and Cordova.

We worked to improve the existing Fedora App for Android for speed, utility, and responsiveness, introduce a deeper native integration and make the app more personal for the user.

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[Week 9] GSoC Status Report for Fedora App: Amitosh

This is Status Report for Fedora App filled by participants on a weekly basis.

Status Report for Amitosh Swain Mahapatra (amitosh)

  • Fedora Account: amitosh
  • IRC: amitosh (found in #fedora, #fedora-dotnet, #fedora-summer-coding, #fedora-commops)
  • Fedora Wiki User Page: amitosh

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One month of GSoC with The Fedora Project: Amitosh

  • Fedora Account: amitosh
  • IRC: amitosh (found in #fedora, #fedora-dotnet, #fedora-summer-coding, #fedora-commops)
  • Fedora Wiki User Page: amitosh

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[Week 5] GSoC Status Report for Fedora App: Abhishek

This is Status Report for Fedora App filled by participants on a weekly basis.

Status Report for Abhishek Sharma (thelittlewonder)

  • Fedora Account: thelittlewonder
  • IRCthelittlewonder (found in #fedora-summer-coding, #fedora-india, #fedora-design)
  • Fedora User Wiki Page

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[Week 4] GSoC Status Report for Fedora App: Amitosh

Google Summer of Code 2018

This is Status Report for Fedora App filled by participants on a weekly basis.

Status Report for Amitosh Swain Mahapatra (amitosh)

  • Fedora Account: amitosh
  • IRC: amitosh (found in #fedora, #fedora-dotnet, #fedora-summer-coding, #fedora-commops)
  • Fedora Wiki User Page: amitosh

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