Tag: DNF

2023 Year in Review: Community Platform Engineering (CPE)

This is a summary of the work done on initiatives by the Community Platform Engineering (CPE) Team. Every quarter, the CPE team works together with CentOS Project and Fedora Project community leaders and representatives to choose projects that will be being worked upon in that quarter. The CPE team is then split into multiple smaller sub-teams that will work on the chosen initiatives and day-to-day work that needs to be done. Some of the sub-teams are dedicated to the continuous efforts in the team whilst some are created only for the initiative purposes.

This update is made from infographics and detailed updates. If you want to just see what’s new, check the infographics. If you want more details, continue reading.

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Fedora Linux 35 Upgrade Test Day 2021-10-07

Thursday 7 October is the Fedora Linux 35 Upgrade Test Day! As part of the preparation for Fedora Linux 35, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Migrating the DNF Stack CI to GitHub Actions

DNF’s continuous integration (CI) has historically struggled from multiple standpoints, including: reliability, coverage, and results not being publicly available. We recently migrated to GitHub Actions, which—in addition to increasing our integration test suite stability and coverage—led to it being more reliable and its results available publicly to contributors.

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Software Management (RPM, DNF) 2020 retrospective

On behalf of the RPM and DNF teams, I would like to highlight changes that
have appeared in our packages in 2020. Thanks everyone for your bug
reports and patches!

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Fedora 33 Upgrade Test Day 2020-09-21

Moday 2020-09-21, is the Fedora 33 Upgrade Test Day! As part of the preparation for Fedora 33, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

Why Upgrade Test Day?

We’re approaching the Beta Release date for Fedora 33. Most users will be upgrading to Fedora 33 and this test day will help us understand if everything is working perfectly. This test day will cover both a GNOME graphical upgrade and an upgrade done using DNF .

We need your help!

All the instructions are on the wiki page, so please read through and come help us test! As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC.

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Modularity vs. libgit

Fire! Libgit can’t be installed, module changes are being temporarily reverted, and one of our great contributors are thinking about moving their packages out of Fedora.

This blog post has been written to summarize the problem, explain how we got here, offer potential solutions that would work right now, and to set a common ground for a discussion on the devel list about how to address this and similar problems properly.

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DNF 2.0 Test Day: 2017-05-09

Tuesday, 2017-05-09, is the DNF 2.0 Test Day! As part of this planned Change for Fedora 26, we need your help to test DNF 2.0!

Why test DNF 2.0?

DNF-2 is the upstream DNF version, the only version actively developed. Currently the upstream contains many user requested features, increased compatibility with yum and over 30 bug fixes. To DNF-1 back porting of patches from upstream is difficult and only critical security and usability fixes will be cherry-picked to Fedora.

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