Tag: Fedora Modularity (page 1 of 3)

Posts related to the Fedora Council’s Modularity Objective.

How Fedora and Outreachy Helped Me Hone My Flexibility With Timelines

Update: I’m in the seventh week of my Outreachy internship with Fedora! I am working to create a GraphQL API for Bodhi. The following image shows a Gantt chart of the ideal timeline that my mentors and I came up with to get the project up and running:

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MBBox – Module Building in a Box

MBBox is a way to deploy everything you need to build modules in Fedora/CentOS ecosystems. It contains Koji (koji-hub, koji-builder, kojira) and MBS (mbs-frontend and mbs-backend). This should be enough to start building your own modules. It is now one of the initiatives being worked on by the CPE team.

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Modularity survey results

The purpose of this survey was to get feedback on Modularity. The survey was published on public Fedora devel and an internal Red Hat mailing lists in April 3, 2020, and also shared on Fedora’s devel-announce and epel-devel mailing lists. We received 193 responses in 3 weeks. Read more below or download the PDF of the results.

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Fedora Council and the future of Modularity

This is part four of a four-part series recapping the Fedora Council’s face-to-face meeting in November 2019.

Since the “should we switch to systemd” discussion has finally settled down, few things have inspired passionate conversations on the devel mailing list like Fedora Modularity. Developing Modularity has been a long process and we finally shipped “Modularity for Everyone” in Fedora 29. But we know there are a lot of rough edges, and it’s not surprising that the response hasn’t been completely enthusiastic. Let’s be honest: we’ve ended up in a situation where a lot of Fedora developers hate Modularity.

The Council agrees that Modularity serves a purpose that we really want to see Fedora, but we also understand the community frustrations. The packager experience is difficult, and handling upgrades needs additional work. We don’t want to throw away the work that’s been done, we want to take what’s there and make it work better.

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Fedora Modularity: What’s the Problem?

Much has been said about Fedora Modularity over the past couple weeks. Much of it has been constructive; some of it the expected resistance to change that all large features encounter. Some, however, is the result of our not having painted a good picture of the problems that Modularity aims to solve. Numerous suggestions have been made on the Fedora Development mailing list that sound good on the surface but that ultimately fail to address some important use-cases. This blog post will attempt to enumerate these cases in detail so as to serve as a common reference point for the ongoing discussions.

Please note as well that these are goals. There are numerous places where the implementation of Modularity at the time of this writing is not yet fully adherent to them.

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Fedora 31 Modularity Test Day 2019-09-27

Friday, 2019-09-27 is the Fedora 31 Modularity Test Day!
We need your help to test if everything runs smoothly.

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Renewing the Modularity objective

Now that Modularity is available for all Fedora variants, it’s time to address issues discovered and improve the experience for packagers and users. The Modularity team identified a number of projects that will improve the usefulness of Modularity and the experience of creating modules for packagers. We are proposing a renewed objective to the Fedora Council.

You can read the updated objective in pull request #61. Please provide feedback there or on the devel mailing list. The Council will vote on this in two weeks.

Modularity at Flock 2019

The Modularity Team was able to hold a session at Flock 2019 to gather feedback and discuss a few issues. The session was well attended and there was a bunch of great discussion.

We started out by spending 15 minutes, measured on a stopwatch(!) gathering the most pressing issues. The audience and the panel came up with quite a few ideas.

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Modularity at Flock 2019

Come and discuss Modularity at Flock! There are three sessions ready that will help you decide when to make a module, how to make them, and a discussion about making everything Modularity work better.

Talk: Modularity: modularize or not to modularize?

Are you a maintainer of packages in Fedora and can’t decide when to use modules? Well, this talk is right for you. In about 15 minutes it will cover a few specific use cases and demonstrate what Modularity solves and what it doesn’t. We’ll have about 30 minutes to discuss any other topics the audience comes up with.

Talk: Tools for Making Modules in Fedora

If you decided you want to use modules, this might be a talk for you. Merlin will walk you through the steps of putting together a module, building it, testing it, and more! All of this in 25 minutes!

Hack: Modularity & Packager Experience BoF

Making modules has not been always an easy process. The technology is very new and there are still some things to finish. Come and help us make it better! We’ll have half a day dedicated to discuss, design, make plans, hack, and more.

Modularity vs. libgit

Fire! Libgit can’t be installed, module changes are being temporarily reverted, and one of our great contributors are thinking about moving their packages out of Fedora.

This blog post has been written to summarize the problem, explain how we got here, offer potential solutions that would work right now, and to set a common ground for a discussion on the devel list about how to address this and similar problems properly.

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