Tag: giveaway

Das Keyboard & Fedora: GIVEAWAYS!

As we get ready to release Fedora Linux 37 and have a virtual party, we have two exciting giveaways to announce: a Das 6 Pro Keyboard and 250 sets of Fedora Keycaps! Would you like to enter a giveaway to get a brand new Das 6 Pro Keyboard? Did you miss out on getting a set of keycaps around the Fedora Linux 36 Release Party? You are in the right place: read on to learn more!

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Fedora Contributor Tee Shirt Giveaway: Claim yours today!

As we get ready to release Fedora Linux 36, another anticipated moment has arrived: the Fedora contributor tee shirt giveaway! Sending a huge “THANK YOU!!” to everyone who works to make Fedora the amazing community it is. The Mindshare Committee is excited to be able to share swag with our community to celebrate the latest release of Fedora Linux. Find the details below.

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Next week: Fedora Contributor Tee Shirt Giveaway!

On behalf of the Mindshare Committee, I am happy to announce that we are doing a Fedora tee shirt giveaway next week to celebrate the release of Fedora Linux 36! Also to say “THANK YOU!” to our wonderful community of contributors. Since we have adopted a new Fedora logo (thanks to Máirín Duffy and the Design Team) we have been working to introduce it in a variety of ways, including swag. Keep your eye out for the exact details on the Community Blog next week on Thursday April 21st, and make sure to claim your Fedora tee shirt! 

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