Tag: GNOME (page 1 of 2)

Contribute at the Fedora i18n and GNOME 42 test weeks

Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora before, this is a perfect way to get started.

There are two upcoming test days in the upcoming week. The first, starts on Monday 28 February through Monday 07 March, is to test the GNOME 42. Monday 07 March through Sunday 13 March, the test day is focusing on testing internationalization. Come and test with us to make the upcoming Fedora 36 even better. Read more below on how to do it.

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Contribute at Fedora Linux 35 GNOME 41 Test Day

Wednesday, 2021-09-09 is the Fedora 35 Gnome Test Day! As part of changes Gnome 41 in Fedora Linux 35, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Fedora 34 GNOME 40 Test Day 2021-03-17 through 2021-03-19

Wednesday, 2021-03-17 is the Fedora 34 Gnome 40 Test Day! As part of the changes Gnome 40 in Fedora 34, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Fedora 33 Upgrade Test Day 2020-09-21

Moday 2020-09-21, is the Fedora 33 Upgrade Test Day! As part of the preparation for Fedora 33, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

Why Upgrade Test Day?

We’re approaching the Beta Release date for Fedora 33. Most users will be upgrading to Fedora 33 and this test day will help us understand if everything is working perfectly. This test day will cover both a GNOME graphical upgrade and an upgrade done using DNF .

We need your help!

All the instructions are on the wiki page, so please read through and come help us test! As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC.

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Fedora 32 Gnome 3.36 Test Day 2020-02-20

Thursday, 2020-02-20 is the Fedora 32 Gnome Test Day! As part of changes Gnome 3.36 in Fedora 32, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Fedora 31 Gnome Test Day 2019-09-18

Wednesday, 2019-09-18 is the Fedora 31 Gnome Test Day! As part of changes Gnome 3.34 in Fedora 31, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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GNOME 3.30: “Almería”: Updates and Improvements You Might Not Know

On September 5, 2018 GNOME project announced the release of GNOME 3.30.

Version 3.30 contains six months of work by the GNOME community and includes many improvements and new features.

This release features some significant performance improvements. The entire desktop now uses fewer system resources, which means you can run more apps at once.

Fun Fact: 3.30 has been named “Almería” in recognition of this year’s GUADEC organizing team. GUADEC is GNOME’s primary annual conference which was held in Almería, Spain this year.

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Fedora 28 Gnome 3.28 Test Day 2018-03-26

Friday, 2018-03-26 is the Fedora 28 Gnome 3.28 Test Day! As part of changes Gnome 3.28  in  Fedora 28, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

Why Gnome Test Day?

We try to make sure that all the gnome features are performing as they should. So it’s to see whether it’s working well enough and catch any remaining issues.
It’s also pretty easy to join in: all you’ll need is Fedora 28(which you can grab from the wiki page). Continue reading

Fedora 27 Gnome 3.26 Test Day 2017-09-28

Friday, 2017-09-28, is the Fedora 27 Gnome 3.26 Test Day! As part of changes Gnome 3.26  in  Fedora 27, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

Why Gnome Test Day?

We try to make sure that all the gnome features are performing as they should. So it’s to see whether it’s working well enough and catch any remaining issues.
It’s also pretty easy to join in: all you’ll need is Fedora 27(which you can grab from the wiki page).

We need your help!

All the instructions are on the wiki page, so please read through and come help us test! As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC.

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Outreachy 2016 remote internships and Fedora

Outreachy 2016 rounds and Fedora

GNOME Outreachy is a global program that offers historically underrepresented students of gender and race stipends to write code for several participating FOSS organizations. Applicants must be able to make the project their primary focus during the internship. Participants work remotely from home, while getting guidance from an assigned mentor and collaborating within their project’s community.

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