Tag: Rawhide

Forthcoming Kubernetes (K8S) changes in F40/Rawhide

The Kubernetes team has released Kubernetes v1.29, which is the version that will be included in Fedora 40. There are four important changes to Kubernetes in Fedora associated with this release that may merit attention.

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Git repo branch name changes

The Fedora Project envisions a world where everyone benefits from free and open source software built by inclusive, welcoming, and open-minded communities.

The Fedora Project Vision

In line with the Fedora vision, we just completed some changes to the git branch names used on src.fedoraproject.org and elsewhere. We removed the “master” branch for those repositories. For rpms and containers, the default branch is now named “rawhide”, with a symref (alias) of “main”. For flatpaks, “stable” is the default/only branch. The fedpkg tool is updated on all supported released to accommodate this change.

For now module repos are unchanged. We are awaiting improvements in the branch/repo requesting tool to allow module owners to request only those specific named branch streams, since “main” and “rawhide” don’t make sense in that context.

For a list of other impacted repositories, see the change proposal. Of course, other repos have been migrated by their owners independently.

If you have a repo checked out with the master branch still, you can run: git fetch && git switch main

This work is part of a larger effort across the technology industry to be more inclusive in the language we use. See Rich Bowen’s Nest With Fedora keynote, for example. If you encounter any trouble, please file a ticket in the infrastructure issue tracker.

Rawhide package gating — phase I begins

On July 25th we will turn on the first phase of Rawhide package gating: single build updates. In a later phase, Rawhide updates that contain multiple builds will also be enabled for gating. Our goal is to improve our ability to continuously turn out a useful Fedora OS. So we hope and expect to get opt-in from as many Fedora package maintainers as possible, including maintainers of the base OS. But this phase of gating remains opt-in, and should not affect packagers who choose for now not to opt in.

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Bodhi is getting ready for rawhide gating

For a couple of months, part of the Community Platform Engineering (CPE) team has been focusing on making the changes needed in Bodhi to enable the rawhide gating change proposal.

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What I have found interesting in Fedora during the week 42 of 2017

After a week I would like to share some activities in Fedora happened since my last post:

Fedora 27 Server Beta is No-Go

On Thursday, 2017-Oct-19, we had a second round of the Go/No-Go meeting for the delayed F27 Beta release of the Server (modular) edition.  Result of the meeting is No-Go due to missing Release Candidate compose. We are going to run third round of the Go/No-Go meeting on Thursday, 2017-Oct-26 at 17:00 UTC together with the Go/No-Go meeting for F27 Final release.

Fedora 27 Final Freeze

Since Tuesday, October 17th we are in a Freeze period for F27 Final. It means the F27 Final release is pretty close and we are going to run Go/No-Go meeting on this Thursday, October 26th as well as F27 Final Readiness meeting.

Rawhide renamed to Bikeshed for the Modular Server

This is not a news from the last week, however I have realized not many people know about this.  At the beginning of October has been “rawhide” renamed to “bikeshed” for the Fedora Modular server. So, nowadays you can find the latest modular builds on Koji under the latest-Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed directory.

New election app

Thanks to Ryan Lerch, Justin Flory and Pingou we now have installed a new version of the Voting Application in the staging environment. Hopefully the new version will be available for the upcoming elections once F27 is made GA.

And of course, the list above is not exhaustive and there is much more going on in Fedora community. The list above just summarizing some tasks which has drawn my attention.

Wayland is default in Fedora Workstation Rawhide

Fedora developer Ray Strode recently posted to the Fedora Developers list with the news that Wayland is now used by default when you log into GNOME with Fedora Workstation.  Previously to try out Wayland with Workstation, there was an additional session in the login screen that allowed you to choose either login with Xorg or Wayland. This change is part of the much anticipated proposed Fedora 24 feature, Wayland by Default. 

Ray also noted that, as the Change is still proposed, if Wayland by default doesn’t pan out, or the change doesn’t get approved rawhide will be switched back to having both sessions.

Ray also noted:

“But it’s good to get this in rawhide now, so we can get as much
exposure as possible to potential Wayland problems and get them fixed up before release.”

So if you use Rawhide, test away and file bugs!

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