Tag: reflections

Bodhi: 2017 Year in Review

2017 was a busy year for the Bodhi project. This post explains a bit about what Bodhi does, highlights, and goals for 2018.

Wait, what is Bodhi?

Bodhi is designed to democratize the package update testing and release process for RPM-based Linux distributions. It provides an interface for developers to propose updates to a distribution, and an interface for testers to leave feedback about updates through a +1/-1 karma system.

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Share your Fedora 2017 Year in Review

2017 was an active and busy year for Fedora. All year, contributors across all different sub-groups, working groups, special interest groups, and teams make the magic behind Fedora happen. With a project as large as Fedora, it is hard to keep others on different sides of the Project up to date. To help celebrate what we did together this year, consider sharing a “Year in Review” for your sub-groups, teams, or other group on the Fedora Community Blog!

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Marketing – Year in Review

Fedora experienced a significant amount of growth and development over the last year. With the growth and recent changes, there were new challenges that Fedora and the Marketing team had to face. The Magazine went really well with significant growth concerning the overall traffic (many thanks to Paul, Ryan, Joe, Chris, Justin) and with more infrastructure stability (thanks to Chris again and Patrick). On the other hand, the institutional part of Marketing experienced difficulties in keeping current with the changes that 2015 brought.

There were many strengths that were preserved (organizing tasks, using a ticketing workflow, discussion in the IRC channel, and communications in general), but the Year in Review analysis is targeted towards identifying and setting goals for improvement in this current year.

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CommOps – Year in Review

2015 was an important milestone for the Community Operations (CommOps) team in so many ways. CommOps is the newest official sub-project in Fedora, and the team’s role is to assist other sub-projects in Fedora. This is done by building and improving interactions within the internal Fedora community, as well as by increasing communication across the Project as a whole. In other words, CommOps is all about bringing more “heat and light” to the different areas of Fedora.

Fedora CommOps wiki banner

Since 2015 was the inaugural year of CommOps, the past year was a busy and engaging one. For many of us, it felt like the lists of tasks we completed (and list of tasks to be completed) grew, and continues to each day.  For CommOps, this is fantastic and exciting, as it represents concrete actions we can take to improve Fedora Community Operations.

There are a few particular highlights from the past year that helped us really define our role in the Project, and we have some concrete goals we think will help Fedora succeed in the coming year.

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Share your “Year in Review” with Fedora

Define the numbers of sharing your Year in Review of Fedora

A lot happens in Fedora each year, but what’s behind these numbers? Share your story! Source: Fedora Magazine

2015 has been an active and busy year for Fedora. All year, the contributors across all of the different sub-groups, working groups, special interest groups, and teams help make the magic behind Fedora happen. With a project as large as Fedora, sometimes it can be hard to keep others on different sides of the Project up to date. To help share what everyone has worked on make happen this year, all sub-groups, teams, or other groups are invited to share your “Year in Review” on the Fedora Community Blog!

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