January has been a rather busy month. The Women in Technology New York (WiTNY) conference was my first big conference of the new year. It is also one that falls squarely in line with one of CommOps’ big priorities for this year to increase the involvement of women and underrepresented groups within our project.
Using regular posts to social media, I was able to keep a sort of log of segments of the WiTNY journey.
Pre-WiTNY Arrival
Flying into EWR from RDU was a relatively short one-and-a-half-hour flight from Raleigh, NC.
Landed safe, omw to @CapitalOneLabs for pre-conf prep for the #WitNY event tomorrow! https://t.co/tdTWC07bjC #FOSS pic.twitter.com/rgunXaFb8i — Remy_D (@Remy_D) January 21, 2016
The pre-conference prep meeting was held at the new Capital One Labs facility in Manhattan, and was the first time I had seen all of the stakeholders in the same place. During the meeting, we got to hear from the facilitators about how to help guide the discussions and workshops, and enjoy a meal with all the other volunteers and speakers.
We also got our first look at the WiTNY Program booklets, which really came out splendidly.
WiTNY: The Big Day
#WiTNY swag table, now with @outreachy @fsf @fedora @opensourceway goodies! TY @CapitalOneLabs for supporting #FOSS pic.twitter.com/bVPg8Q2IQf— Remy_D (@Remy_D) January 22, 2016
Opening Keynote
@taniakatan of @axosoft kicks off the #WiTNY with her amazing #ItWasNeverADress creation story! #agiletheatremethods pic.twitter.com/TEwgOhqcLE
— Remy_D (@Remy_D) January 22, 2016
Branding Yourself with Open Source Panel
Talking open source with @Remy_D @CapitalOne #WiTNY pic.twitter.com/G4ZG01luc8
— Ami Stuart (@custuart) January 22, 2016
“We need more people like u in the #opensource community & more people like me”Couldn’t agree more @remy_d #HeForShe @TheHackerati at #WiTNY — Jordana Waxman (@jordanalyn) January 22, 2016
The CapitalOne #OpenSource panel is starting at Cornell’s #WiTNY NOW! Join us 🙂 #BankOnTech #WomenInTech pic.twitter.com/Ztl4K2rWNO …
— Alvaro Campos (@redlocal) January 22, 2016
WiTNY: Ask Me Anything
AMA time at #WiTNY! That’s our Head of Developer Relations, @AnnieVDane. Also @Remy_D @liscrawford + @sylviaisler pic.twitter.com/mjgwSL628U
— DigitalOcean (@digitalocean) January 22, 2016
Breakout Sessions
Engaged small groups during the breakout session at #WiTNY! Proud of @CapitalOne @CapitalOneLabs for sponsoring. pic.twitter.com/QXD4WRHZR1
— Emily Rouse (@emily_rouse) January 22, 2016
Closing Keynote
JenniferLopez @CapitalOneLabs “know when to coach, know when to swing the bat.” Key to engineering leadership #WiTNY pic.twitter.com/oAozwo3gqD — Remy_D (@Remy_D) January 22, 2016
Snowzilla: The Long Journey Home
Finally back home 3 days after #Snowzilla hit #WiTNY. Cannot thank @CapitalOneLabs enough for support of women in #opensource and @outreachy — Remy_D (@Remy_D) January 27, 2016
Thank You
Thank you to Capital One Labs and the organizers, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers of the WiTNY conference. I got to meet so many inspiring and aspiring women and advocates, and I hope that open source can provide you with both the tools and a direction to empower you. If ever I can be a resource, my inbox is always open.
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