Tag: outreach (page 1 of 3)

Mindshare Committee Quarterly Report- Q2 2022

It’s time for the (overdue) Mindshare Committee’s third Quarterly Report. This post covers activities from the Mindshare Committee and related teams for the months of April, May, and June of 2022. We started off strong with getting these reports together, but as time has gone, it’s gotten a bit more difficult to pull them together and out on time. We are addressing the future of these reports and how we can restructure to make it easier to put them together. As always, we welcome feedback on how we can improve these reports in the related Mindshare ticket.

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You’re invited: Fedora Ambassador Call Kick-Off

A couple weeks ago the Fedora Community Outreach Revamp(FCOR) team announced that we will be organizing a Ambassador Call Kick-off and collected feedback about availability. Based on the results from the whenisgood, we are excited to invite you to the Ambassador Call Kick-Off, on March 31st at 3PM UTC.

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Fedora Community Outreach Revamp Update #6

It has been almost a year since the Fedora Community Outreach Revamp started. Some pretty nice events have occurred since the last Revamp update. We retired the Trello board with the Revamp’s tasks and notes. Now all of the Revamp notes are publicly available on a HackMD file. Here is some of what the Revamp team has worked on in the last few months.

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Fedora Community Outreach Revamp Update #4

We launched the Community Outreach Revamp in July of 2020. The goal of the Revamp is to identify what makes Fedora’s Outreach teams struggle, create a clear plan to move forward based on community feedback, and execute that plan. All of these efforts focus on creating a cohesive, sustainable, and empowering Outreach program for Fedora.

As of January 2021 the Revamp is now a Fedora Objective! With the Fedora Council approving the objective after community feedback, the Revamp becomes a medium-term goal of the Council. The co-leads of the Revamp, Mariana Balla and Sumantro Mukherjee, are Council members through the completion of the objective. We will provide updates on the Community Outreach Revamp at the regular Council meetings. More details about the Community Outreach Revamp as an Objective can be found on the wiki page.

On Saturday, 20 February 2021, we will give a talk on the Community Outreach Revamp during the DevConf.CZ conference. The co-leads, as well as Marie Nordin (FCAIC), will share the vision of the Revamp, the progress that has been made so far together with some very interesting findings, and what the expectations are upon the completion of this initiative. Join us to find out more and to ask your questions on Saturday from 2:00pm to 2:25pm CET. This session is part of the Fedora track sessions.

Fedora Community Outreach Revamp AMA

The Community Outreach Revamp initiative held an Ask Me Anything on December 10th, 2020. Cco-leads Sumantro Mukherjee & Mariana Balla answered questions, with moderation by me (the FCAIC). We had some great questions and we are always open to more! Find us on #fedora-mindshare every other week at 15:00UTC.

If you have an interest in the future of Fedora’s Community Outreach please take a minute to fill out a short survey. The more perspectives we can get on outreach, the better a program we can build!

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Community Outreach Revamp: Update #2

It has been several weeks since the Fedora Ambassadors Program Revamp launched. Within these weeks, we have made some interesting steps. In case you missed the announcement of the initial proposal, you can take a look at the wiki page that contains all the details. Also, make sure to check out our post published on the Community Blog last month.

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Fedora Community Outreach Revamp: Update!

The Mindshare Comittee approved the Community Outreach Revamp proposal after incorporating input from the Fedora community. Mindshare nominated four contributors for potential co-leads for the Temporary Task Force (TTF). Two of the four nominees have capacity for the initiative: Sumantro Mukherjee and Mariana Balla. They will be leading the TTF over the course of the revamp. 

Sumantro and Mariana’s primary efforts will be to help organize the multitude of tasks and communications that need to occur for the revamp to be a success. They are meeting weekly along with Marie Nordin, Fedora’s Community Action and Impact Coordinator (FCAIC). Currently, the co-leads are diving into each area of the revamp plan and adding in more concrete tasks, blockers, and taking a look at how to implement the plan strategically. 

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Fedora Ambassadors Revamp 2020 — call for volunteers

In the past times the Fedora Ambassadors Program had some issues, which made the Ambassadors Team feel disheartened and discouraged. This caused the Mindshare Committee to step up and to gather community input to improve the Ambassadors Program, which gave birth to the Fedora Ambassadors revamp proposal and to create a temporary taskforce which would work on the plan of action in the proposal.

If you would like to apply to volunteer, you can comment on the Pagure ticket with your FAS ID.

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GCI 2018 mentor’s summit @ Google headquarters


Google Code-in is a contest to introduce students (ages 13-17) to open source software development. Since 2010, 8,108 students from 107 countries have completed over 40,100 open source tasks Because Google Code-in is often the first experience many students have with open source, the contest is designed to make it easy for students to jump right in. I was one of the mentors in this first time for Fedora program. We had 125 students participating in Fedora and the top 3 students completed 26, 25 and 22 tasks each.

Every year Google invites the Grand-Prize winners and their parents, and a mentor to it’s headquarters in San Francisco, California for a 4 days trip. I was offered the opportunity to go and represent Fedora in the summit and meet these 2 brilliant folks in person. This report covers activities and other things that happened there.

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Fedora Participates in Google Code In 2018

What is Google Code In?

Pre-university students ages 13 to 17 are invited to take part in Google Code-in: Google’s global, online contest introducing teenagers to the world of open source development. Continue reading


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