Author: marianab

Fedora Community Outreach Revamp Update #6

It has been almost a year since the Fedora Community Outreach Revamp started. Some pretty nice events have occurred since the last Revamp update. We retired the Trello board with the Revamp’s tasks and notes. Now all of the Revamp notes are publicly available on a HackMD file. Here is some of what the Revamp team has worked on in the last few months.

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Fedora Community Outreach Revamp Update #4

We launched the Community Outreach Revamp in July of 2020. The goal of the Revamp is to identify what makes Fedora’s Outreach teams struggle, create a clear plan to move forward based on community feedback, and execute that plan. All of these efforts focus on creating a cohesive, sustainable, and empowering Outreach program for Fedora.

As of January 2021 the Revamp is now a Fedora Objective! With the Fedora Council approving the objective after community feedback, the Revamp becomes a medium-term goal of the Council. The co-leads of the Revamp, Mariana Balla and Sumantro Mukherjee, are Council members through the completion of the objective. We will provide updates on the Community Outreach Revamp at the regular Council meetings. More details about the Community Outreach Revamp as an Objective can be found on the wiki page.

On Saturday, 20 February 2021, we will give a talk on the Community Outreach Revamp during the DevConf.CZ conference. The co-leads, as well as Marie Nordin (FCAIC), will share the vision of the Revamp, the progress that has been made so far together with some very interesting findings, and what the expectations are upon the completion of this initiative. Join us to find out more and to ask your questions on Saturday from 2:00pm to 2:25pm CET. This session is part of the Fedora track sessions.

Fedora @ FOSDEM: how you can participate

This year, we are doing FOSDEM virtual style! Every year in Brussels, Belgium, the first weekend of February is dedicated to the Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting (FOSDEM), the largest open source, developer-oriented conference of the year. As expected, the conference is going online for the 2021 edition, which gives us Fedorans the chance to learn, share, and spend time with each other and the greater FOSS community. We need your help in making this a fun experience for everyone!

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Organizing a Fedora Women Day 2017 event

Fedora Women Day (FWD) is a day of celebration dedicated to the female contributors of the Fedora Project. During this day of celebration, local communities around the world will gather to present the accomplishments of the women that are part of the Fedora Project and thank them. FWD is a great chance to promote the participation of more women, bring together contributors and raise awareness about the gender gap in tech communities. This day is being celebrated across the community in order to show the importance of having women involved in open source projects, such as Fedora.

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