Author: Bee Padalkar

Fedora Diversity: 2017 Year in Review

2017 was a milestone year for Fedora Diversity and Inclusion Team. We experienced structural changes, established new directions and mapped our goals to a long-term plan improving diversity outreach in the Fedora community. The past year included a lot of ‘figuring things out’ – including our engagement within the Fedora community but also beyond. We have come out wiser, driven and more committed to our goal then ever. Read on to know more about our past and current efforts to foster diversity and inclusion in Fedora community.
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Outreachy 2017: Mentors and ideas needed

The Fedora Project is participating in the upcoming round of Outreachy  as a mentoring organization and is looking for project ideas and mentors.  Outreachy provides three-month internships for people from groups traditionally underrepresented in tech. Interns could be university students, technical school graduates, people switching careers, or people coming back to tech after starting a family or another long absence.  Interns work remotely with mentors on projects ranging from programming, user experience, documentation, illustration and graphical design, to data science.

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Council Elections: Interview with Giannis Konstantinidis (giannisk)

Fedora Ambassador Mentor badge used for Council

Fedora Council Elections begin soon

This is a part of the Council Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Tuesday, January 10th and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Monday, January 16th. Please read the responses from candidates and make your choices carefully. Feel free to ask questions to the candidates here (preferred) or elsewhere!

Interview with Giannis Konstantinidis (giannisk)

  • Fedora Account: giannisk
  • IRC: giannisk (found in #fedora-famsco, #fedora-mentors, #fedora-ambassadors)
  • Fedora Wiki User Page

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“I contributed!” 2015 Gource Video Series (3/3)

I contributed!” is a special series on the Fedora Community Blog which helps Fedora contributors understand and get a feel of the activity happening in different areas in Fedora, especially areas other than what they personally participate in. These visualizations for 2015 are made using Gource videos generated by threebean using fedmsg2gource – a CLI tool used to generate Gource videos from fedmsg history,

In this third and final part of the series, we present some subsystem videos which produced interesting patterns in Gource visualizations.

To help better understand what these videos represent as well as to learn more about Gource and fedmsg2gource, check out the earlier articles in the “I contributed!” Gource series here and here.

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I contributed! 2015 Gource Video Series (2/3)

I contributed!” is a special series on the Fedora Community Blog which helps Fedora contributors understand and get a feel of the activity happening in different areas in Fedora, especially areas other than what they personally participate in. These visualizations for 2015 are made using Gource videos generated by threebean using fedmsg2gource  – a CLI tool used to generate Gource videos from fedmsg history,

In this second part of the series, we highlight two of the subsystem videos that in particular correspond with new services that the infrastructure team launched this year – ‘mdapi’ and ‘mailman’.

To help better understand what these videos represent as well as to learn more about Gource  and fedmsg2gource, check out the first article in the “I contributed!” Gource series.  .

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I contributed! 2015 Gource Video Series (1/3)

I contributed!” is a special series on the Fedora Community Blog which helps Fedora contributors understand and get a feel of the activity happening in different areas in Fedora, especially areas other than what they personally participate in. These visualizations for 2015 are made using Gource videos generated by threebean using the fedmsg2gource repo.

In this first part of the series, we demonstrate the aggregate Gource visualization for all of Fedora in 2015.

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FESCo Elections: Interview with Parag Nemade (Pnemade)

Fedora Engineering Steering Council badge, awarded after Fedora Elections - read the Interviews to learn more about candidates

Fedora Engineering Steering Council badge

This is a part of the FESCo Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Tuesday, December 08 and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Monday, December 14th. Please read the responses from candidates and make your choices carefully. Feel free to ask questions to the candidates here (preferred) or elsewhere!

Interview with Parag Nemade (Pnemade)

  • Fedora Account: Pnemade
  • IRC: paragan (usually in #fedora-admin, #fedora-devel, #fedora-i18n, #fedora-qa)
  • Fedora User Wiki Page

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FESCo Elections: Interview with Germano Massullo (Caterpillar / germano)

Fedora Engineering Steering Council badge, awarded after Fedora Elections - read the Interviews to learn more about candidates

Fedora Engineering Steering Council badge

This is a part of the FESCo Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The  voting period starts on Tuesday, December 08 and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Monday, December 14th. Please read the responses from candidates and make your choices carefully. Feel free to ask questions to the candidates here (preferred) or elsewhere!

Interview with Germano Massullo

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Elections: Nominations Filed, Campaign Period, Candidate Interviews Coming Soon

Campaign period extended

The Fedora Elections campaign period has been extended to Monday, December 7th, 23:59:59 UTC.

The Fedora Elections cycle for November/December 2015 is currently in progress and the Nomination period just ended on Tuesday.  Here is a quick visualization for numbers of vacant seats versus the number of nominations received.

Fedora Elections Campaign: Vacant Seats vs Nominations Received

Env & Stacks

Env & Stacks had four open seats, but unfortunately, only two nominations were received. As a result, the Elections for Env & Stacks WG are currently on hold. According to the ongoing discussion here, Env & Stacks WG is probably going to turn into a discussion platform with no need for a steering committee.

Other campaign info

This cycle has seen some diverse nominations from the Fedora Community with nominees from around the globe and lots of first-time nominees (especially for FAmSCo) along with incumbents. Additionally, many past candidates are applying for different seats than they normally hold.

Track the status of Elections here and keeping watching this space for Election Campaigns, including Candidate Interviews and more!

For nominees

If you are a nominee, you have received an individual email asking you to publish answers to questions from the Election Questionnaire (and other information if you choose) on the Fedora Community Blog. If you are a nominee and have not received this mail, please contact bee2502 for FESCo nominees or jkurik for FAmSCo and Council nominees (IRC : #fedora-commops).

Meetbot Data Analytics – A peek into Fedora IRC meetings

Many Fedora projects and groups use  IRC channels on freenode for their regular meetings. Generally, meetings take place in one of the three #fedora-meeting channels (#fedora-meeting, #fedora-meeting-1 and #fedora-meeting-2). However, there is no requirement that a meeting take place in only these channels. Many ad-hoc or one-time meetings take place in other channels. Such meetings in IRC channels are normally logged. There is a Meetbot IRC bot in every channel to assist with running meetings and publishing meeting summaries and logs. To help meeting attendees, Meetbot provides a set of commands like #startmeeting, #endmeeting, #info, #help, #link, and more.


With an aim to gather information about Fedora IRC meetings and especially understand how Fedora contributors interact in these meetings, I turn towards Datagrepper. Datagrepper is a JSON API that lets you query the history of the Fedora Message bus (or fedmsg) for corresponding data. Here is a quick look of the raw feed of Datagrepper from the fedmsg bus with messages for topics like buildsys.rpm.sign and buildsys.task.state.change.

Screenshot from 2015-10-23 21:47:06

Constructing Queries

fedmsg has a few Meetbot-related topics corresponding to Meetbot commands which I gathered daily, weekly, and monthly IRC meeting data from. You can construct queries for a time period by specifying  the start and end parameters for the query. Using count variables from JSON data dump, I found the total number of messages pertaining to our query. You can also use Datagrepper Charts API for some basic visualizations.

Starting and Completing Meetings

meetbot.meeting.start: Messages on this topic are published when an IRC meeting starts (using #startmeeting Meetbot command).

meetbot.meeting.complete: Messages on this topic are published when an IRC meeting ends (using #endmeeting Meetbot command).

mcomplete mstart

On average, 99 IRC meetings take place every month across different channels (the mean monthly IRC meetings started is 98 while mean monthly IRC meetings completed is 100). During December to February, this value dropped considerably. After looking at the number of weekly IRC meetings started as well as completed, we see that the drop in IRC meetings in December can be attributed to the two weeks during the Christmas season (IRC meetings started dropping approximately the week before Christmas and continued until after New Years).


The weekly mean for IRC meetings started is 23.05 (median 26, highest 33) while for completed IRC meetings is 23.51 (median 27, highest 35). Also, IRC meetings are particularly low (mostly zero IRC meetings started/completed per day) during March 11th to 18th, 2015, January 28th to February 1st, and February 7th to 15th, 2015 (bot outage?).

dcomplete dstart

On a normal weekday, generally 3 to 4 meetings are started/completed. Saturdays have lower values(~1-2) and no meetings are generally held on Sundays (the average IRC meetings per day started is 3 while that of IRC meetings completed is 3.3, and the median for both is 4). The highest value of IRC meetings started as well as completed across different channels occurred on 23rd March 2015 (started 11, completed 14) to Monday (next working day) after a week with particularly low IRC meetings. (March 11th to 18th 2015).


Using daywise percentage-stacked representation, we see that IRC meetings started and completed is generally the same (started and completed have equal percentages), thus allowing us to conclude that meetings are generally of short duration (less than 24 hours). The small delta in IRC meetings started and completed can be attributed to the IRC meetings overlapping between two periods. Also, the deviations are during the weeks where IRC meetings started/completed is very low and hence the large percentage value (i.e. March 11th to 18th IRC meetings started are 1, but meetings completed are 0, hence 100% of total is due to meetings started – the complete blue streak in the graph for such a case).

For visualizations generated using Datagrepper Charts API:

Updating Meeting Topics

meetbot.meeting.topic.update: Messages on this topic are published when meeting topic is updated (using #topic command).


This correlates with IRC meetings with very low values in the December to March period and in the weeks where IRC meetings (started/completed) is particularly low. The monthly average for topic update messages generated during IRC meetings is 556.16 (median value is 618 and highest number of topic.update messages in a month is 708). The weekly mean is 130 messages (median value is 143 and highest number of topic.update messages in a week is 202).


On average, 18 topic.update messages are published per day (median value 20) with highest messages published on July 19, 2015 (56 messages). Plotting the daywise average topic.update messages per IRC meeting (we consider topic.update messages/IRC meetings started as meeting duration is generally less than a day), we can see that generally meeting topics are updated 4-5 times per meeting (mean 4.07, median 4.71), but there have also been 11-12 average topic updates per IRC meeting.

You can also find visualizations generated using Datagrepper Charts API for meetbot.meeting.topic.update here.

Calls for Help in Meetings

meetbot.meeting.item.helpMessages on this topic are published when attendees call for help on items (using #help Meetbot command). This topic was introduced at the end of March, therefore previous values are not available.


The #help command, as shown by the graphs, is rarely used by IRC meeting attendees, only being used once per month in the past two months. 

For visualizations generated using Datagrepper Charts API for, click here.

Linking to More Info Messages on this topic are published when attendees link information to an item (using #link Meetbot command). This command was introduced at the end of March, therefore previous values are not available.


The monthly average number of items linked was 404 (median 465) and the highest number of items linked in the past year was 567. The weekly average number of items linked was 104.25 (median 109) and the highest number of items linked in the past year was 183.


On average, 14 items are linked in IRC meetings in a day, with the highest being 61 item links within a single day. Also, in an IRC meeting, generally 3 to 4 items are linked to, with 14 being the highest number of items linked to in an IRC meeting.

For visualizations generated using Datagrepper Charts API for, click here.

Attendees and Chairs

To get an overview of statistics related to the Fedora contributers attending IRC meetings (both attendees and chairs), I used the meetbot.meeting.complete messages (meetbot.meeting.start messages only show the initial attendees). I used the data for the  past three months (August to October 2015).


During the past 3 months, 337 IRC meetings have taken place. On average, 10 people attended an IRC meeting, including the chairs, and the mean size of chairs was 4.67 for an IRC meeting (mean 4.67, median 5).  Also, the largest meeting in the past three months comprised of 27 attendees and the largest group of chairs included 10 Fedora contributors.

Other Questions to Ask

  1. Are there any specific time periods in a day when IRC meetings generally occur?
  2. Are any channels specifically used? Especially what percent of meetings are conducted on channels like #fedora-meeting, #fedora-meeting-1, #fedora-meeting-2? Is the distribution of meetings across channels equal?
  3. Are messages generated equivalently by both chairs and non-chairs, or is the message generation partial?
  4. Are messages generated in the past only due to a specific set of users using this command?

Check out threebean’s blog posts on Datagrepper here. He is one of the super awesome people behind fedmsg and Datagrepper.

Here is a fun word cloud visualization of IRC meeting attendees over the past three months (Fedora CommOps seems to be very active – you can see a lot of CommOps members here: decause, threebean, mattdm, lmacken, jflory7 and mailga too!! Yayy!!)


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