Author: bex

The New Fedora Documentation Website, The Rest Of The Story

Today, a lot of hard work and effort from a multi-year process pays off. Our new docs site is live at Thanks to Adam Šamalík for a converting everything to the Antora publication engine, and to many members of the docs team for significant work in converting from DocBook to AsciiDoc format.  This piece picks up where the announcement in the Fedora Magazine stopped.  It has more details that may be of interest to contributors. Continue reading

Flock 2018 Bidding Open

It is time to start the bid process for this year’s Flock. Flock 2018 will be held in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region. If you’d like to help host the event in your city, it’s time to start putting together a bid.

The bid process has changed this year to be easier to complete and more streamlined.  To propose a city, please visit the Flock Pagure Repository and open a new issue using the bid-2018 template.  The template will guide you through 10 questions that the bid committee needs to know the answers too.  You don’t have to contact or confirm things yet with a venue, this just gets us started.  You’re of course free to go ahead and contact venues if you would like.

Bid submissions are due on 29 October 2017 12 November 2017.

Once the submissions are in, the committee will read them and pick a few to explore in detail.  At that point we will begin contacting venues and making firmer plans.

While we have tried to make bidding easier, it is still something you will need to put some thought into, so don’t wait until the last minute.  Also, take advantage of the Pagure issue format and solicit feedback on your proposal and update your original post as you get information.

Tips and advice for Flock 2018 planning

Keep in mind that committing to help plan a conference is a lot of work and shouldn’t be approached lightly. It’s a big time commitment, and as the local contact, you’re critical to the success of the event. Flock has been held successfully on college campuses and in hotels. We need to make sure that the space will work for both the conference and be affordable. Every dollar we spend on activities, rooms, etc. is a dollar we cannot spend on funding travel for Fedora contributors.  Therefore keep costs in mind as you think about potential locations.  You may find checking the Flock budget from last year helps you understand how money gets spent.  Note: All 2017 costs have not yet been posted.

Not sure where to begin? You can view some of the previous winning bids (that used the old system) for past years as a reference point for building your own bid. Check out some of these for examples:

Feel free to ask questions or request help getting your bid together on the flock-planning email list.  If you’re not already subscribed to that list, you should do so.

Banner Image Courtesy of Martin Petr

Note: The deadline was extended as part of the committee is unavailable at the beginning of November.  Rather than have bids sit, we wanted to give greater opportunity.

Fedora Council FAD Report – 2017/2018 Initial Steps

The Fedora Council met for an in-person FAD for three days from 26-28 March in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Almost the entire Council was able to attend. Josh Boyer, Brian Exelbierd, Robert Mayr, Matthew Miller, and Langdon White, were present, and unfortunately, Jan Kuřik and María Leandro could not make it. We chose Grand Rapids to accommodate one of the two members with travel challenges and to reduce overall travel costs for the rest of us.

We set a full agenda and managed to discuss the topics over the three full days.

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Flock 2017 bids are now being accepted (due 28 Feb 2017)

It is time to start the bid process for this year’s Flock.  This year we are back in North America for Flock 2017. If you’d like to help host the event in your city, it’s time to start putting together a bid.  To find out what you need to do, read the wiki page. Bids are due by February 28, 2017, so do not wait to start.  It takes more time than you may realize to compile all the required information for a good bid.

Tips and advice for Flock 2017 planning

Keep in mind that committing to help plan a conference is a lot of work and shouldn’t be approached lightly. It’s a big time commitment, and as the local contact, you’re critical to the success of the event. Flock has been held successfully on college campuses and in hotels.  We need to make sure that the space will work for both the conference and be affordable.  Details are on the wiki page.

Not sure where to begin? You can view some of the previous winning bids for past years as a reference point for building your own bid. Check out some of these for examples:

Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or need help getting your bid together.  If you’re not already subscribed to the flock-planning email list, you should also do so.

Say no to wiki SPAM!

Recently, changes were made to the Fedora Project Wiki to reduce spam. The wiki had been under attack by some very determined spammers.  They were even  willing to create FAS IDs to be able to post spam in our wiki.

Countering spam

Kevin Fenzi sent an email about the changes to the devel-announce list on 16 July 2016. In his email, he noted the increased spam was initially being fought using Basset, a spam-blocking program by Patrick Uiterwijk. While the program is great at detecting spam and blocking accounts, it was not completely accurate and the delays in processing were causing confusion. This was creating extra manual work for the Fedora Infrastructure team as they sorted out the confusion.

Wiki is now CLA+1

Therefore, the decision was made to require wiki editors to have both signed the FPCA and be in an least one group other than the CLA group.

This will have no effect on the majority of Fedora contributors. However, there are a small group of people who need to edit the wiki and aren’t in any groups. These editors are typically either trying to update the Common Bugs page or are doing work that isn’t covered by any particular group. In these cases, please open a ticket on the Fedora Infrastructure Trac. There is a special wikieditors group that will be used only for these cases. If you are already in another group, you do not need to be added to this group.

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Docs Project update from Flock 2016

At Flock 2016 in Krakow, Poland, I had the privilege of updating the community on the status of the Fedora Docs Project.

I made a small presentation and moderated a discussion in the Hackfest: Fedora Docs Learn and Hack panel. Unfortunately, my co-presenter and Fedora Docs Project Lead, Pete Travis, could not attend this year.  Therefore a lot of the conversation reflected my opinions and what I have gleaned from others.

The presentation slides are online. Unfortunately, the session wasn’t recorded or transcribed, so I wanted to try and present the conversation here. I am not attributing any comments in order to avoid mistakes. Additionally, I am working from my memory and the memory of other attendees, so omissions are accidental.

Two focuses for the Docs Project

There was a FAD in May 2016 to formulate ideas for moving the project forward. Two big ideas came out of this meeting:

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