The Fedora community celebrated the release of Fedora Linux 35 in the third installment of our virtual Release Parties on 12–13 November 2021. A big thank you to everyone who helped to build Fedora Linux 35 as well as the organizers, participants, and attendees at the event! The recordings are now available for viewing in a YouTube Playlist. We had 12 info sessions, 3 socials, and the Fedora Museum WorkAdventure for the “Hallway Track”. We also had a session of the virtual team building event “Beat the Bomb“—a collaborative gaming activity that resulted in hilarity and chaos!
The event had nearly 600 registrations, breaking our record for the F34 Release Party! That’s the good news. The not so good news is that our turnout dropped from 78% to 47%. There are some theories about why this is the case. Perhaps it was virtual fatigue, not enough/not the right content, or maybe the novelty has worn away a little bit. That is okay though—it just means we need to make the next release party even more exciting for our community. The best way to do that is by using our collective minds to put together something awesome! If you have ideas for the next release party, drop them in the Mindshare ticket or on the Discussion thread for this post.
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