Tag: Env and Stacks Working Group

Christmas update of Fedora Developer Portal

Christmas is coming, so we cut a new release of the Fedora Developer Portal for you. We have a few new tools, a new member to our development team, and a new staging instance to test future updates of the Developer Portal before deploying them. Continue reading

Elections: Nominations Filed, Campaign Period, Candidate Interviews Coming Soon

Campaign period extended

The Fedora Elections campaign period has been extended to Monday, December 7th, 23:59:59 UTC.

The Fedora Elections cycle for November/December 2015 is currently in progress and the Nomination period just ended on Tuesday.  Here is a quick visualization for numbers of vacant seats versus the number of nominations received.

Fedora Elections Campaign: Vacant Seats vs Nominations Received

Env & Stacks

Env & Stacks had four open seats, but unfortunately, only two nominations were received. As a result, the Elections for Env & Stacks WG are currently on hold. According to the ongoing discussion here, Env & Stacks WG is probably going to turn into a discussion platform with no need for a steering committee.

Other campaign info

This cycle has seen some diverse nominations from the Fedora Community with nominees from around the globe and lots of first-time nominees (especially for FAmSCo) along with incumbents. Additionally, many past candidates are applying for different seats than they normally hold.

Track the status of Elections here and keeping watching this space for Election Campaigns, including Candidate Interviews and more!

For nominees

If you are a nominee, you have received an individual email asking you to publish answers to questions from the Election Questionnaire (and other information if you choose) on the Fedora Community Blog. If you are a nominee and have not received this mail, please contact bee2502 for FESCo nominees or jkurik for FAmSCo and Council nominees (IRC : #fedora-commops).

Fedora Elections November / December 2015

The Fedora 23 release has been a huge success and now it’s time for Fedora Elections!

On Tuesday 2015-11-17, we are going to start with November / December 2015 Election for the following teams:

As usual, we are changing approximately one half of electable seats in each team. However, for this election cycle we have an exception for the FAmSCo team. As the team has not been elected for a longer period of time, we are going to elect all the available seats in this authority. From the seven seats, which are going to be elected in the FAmSCo team, the first four (in the number of votes) will be for F24/F25 cycle. The remaining three seats will be for F24 cycle only.

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