Tag: Fedora 26 (F26)

Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F26 Final

Welcome back to another installation of Heroes of Fedora, where we’ll look at the stats concerning the testing of Fedora 26 Final. The purpose of Heroes of Fedora is to provide a summation of testing activity on each milestone release of Fedora. So, without further ado, let’s get started!


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Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F26 Beta

This installment of the Heroes of Fedora series will focus on work done on Fedora 26 Beta release.

This installment of the Heroes of Fedora series will focus on work done on Fedora 26 Beta release.

Welcome back to another installation of Heroes of Fedora, where we’ll look at the stats concerning the testing of Fedora 26 Beta. The purpose of Heroes of Fedora is to provide a summation of testing activity on each milestone release of Fedora. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

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Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F26 Alpha

Hello and welcome to this issue of Heroes of Fedora focused on Fedora 26 Alpha release! The purpose of Heroes of Fedora is to provide a summation of testing activity on each milestone release of Fedora. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

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Fedora Media Writer Test Day: 2017-04-20

Thursday, 2017-04-20, is the Fedora Media Writer Test Day! As part of this planned Change for Fedora 26, we need your help to test Fedora Media Writer!

Why test Fedora Media Writer?

Today’s installment of Fedora Test Day will focus on Fedora Media Writer. Fedora Media Writer, is used for creating bootable flashdrives on different operating systems and architectures. The tool is intended to be provided as the primary download option for Fedora 25, with the aim of lowering the barrier for potential users to try and install Fedora. In this test day, we aim to test both Fedora 25 and Fedora 26 Pre-Release boot-media creation on Windows, OS X, and Fedora, specifically targeting creation of ARM-bootable media.

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Participate in Fedora 26 translation sprint

Badge for Fedora 26 Translation sprint

Badge for Fedora 26 Translation sprint

With the great success of our collaboration during Fedora 24 and Fedora 25 to improve localization, this is the time to make it even better for Fedora 26. Since this is the third consecutive sprint, I am sure what more formal introduction is required. Let’s see the details on how to participate.

Details about the Fedora 26 sprint

  1. Date: 11th April to 17th April.
  2. List of priority packages:  Translation sprint packages.
  3. IRC: #fedora-g11n

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Anaconda BlivetGUI Test Day: 2017-04-06

BlivetGUI inside of the Fedora Anaconda installer

BlivetGUI option inside of the Fedora Anaconda installer

Thursday, 2017-04-06, is the Anaconda BlivetGUI Test Day! As part of this planned Change for Fedora 26, we need your help to test Anaconda BlivetGUI!

Why test BlivetGUI?

We’ll be testing the new, detailed, bottom-up configuration screen that has been long requested by users. Inclusion of blivet-gui into Anaconda finally makes this a reality. On the other hand, it adds a new option without changing the existing advanced storage configuration so users that prefer the top-down configuration can still use it. We hope to see whether it’s working well enough and catch any remaining issues.

We need your help!

All the instructions are on the wiki page, so please read through and come help us test! As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC.

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Fedora 26 Supplementary Wallpapers: Vote now!

At the end of January, the submission phase for Fedora 26 Supplementary Wallpapers opened. Now, the submission phase is closed and the voting phase is now open. If you have a FAS account and meet the CLA+1 group requirement, you can cast your vote in Nuancier.

Wallpapers for Fedora 26

We have again around 100 submissions from more then 60 different contributors, from which we will choose 16 to get packaged as supplemental wallpapers for Fedora 26. The contributors who successfully submitted their wallpaper should all now have the badge.  In case your badge was not awarded, ping gnokii in #fedora-design on freenode.

As for past contests, a lot of the participants made their first contribution to Fedora. We will continue to improve Nuancier and the submission process for supplementary wallpapers. We will also try to improve the quality of submissions. We have already improved with limiting the amount of submissions. We have also had longer phases for submissions and the time for the voting is also longer than before.

Be sure to cast your vote before April 6th, 2017 to have a say in what wallpapers are included! By participating, you can also receive a limited edition badge too. Please note, this badge must be claimed manually from you during the voting process, it is not automatically awarded. It can be not awarded afterwards, as it is not visible who has voted.

Fedora 26 release dates and schedule

With the recent release of Fedora 25, the Fedora 26 release schedule is falling into place. The current Fedora 26 schedule projects a release date of July 4th, 2017. Fedora 26 Alpha is slated for release on April 4th, 2017 and Beta is aiming for June 6th, 2017.

These dates may change as development on Fedora 26 progresses, so always check the schedule for the most accurate version of the Fedora 26 schedule.

Updated: 2017 May 26

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