Author: pravins

Fedora meetup at Pune – March 2018

Long time we did not had any meetup at Pune, Maharashtra, India, so we decided to get started again.  Details about this meetup are available at Fedora Wiki page.

Planning for meetup started 1 month before. Initially Ompragash proposed to have account for Fedora Pune to get more awareness. Later dropped this plan, since this is not only Fedora Pune level topic but applicable for all Fedora events.

Event started well in time.

  • 15 Attendees were present including college students.
  • Ompragash welcomed all the attendees and had a short introduction from everyone. He delivered his first talk “Telling the Fedora Story”, in this he explained how Fedora project started.
  • Parag explained different ways to contribute in Fedora in his talk. He kept on answering queries in between, it was engaging session.

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Participate in Fedora 26 translation sprint

Badge for Fedora 26 Translation sprint

Badge for Fedora 26 Translation sprint

With the great success of our collaboration during Fedora 24 and Fedora 25 to improve localization, this is the time to make it even better for Fedora 26. Since this is the third consecutive sprint, I am sure what more formal introduction is required. Let’s see the details on how to participate.

Details about the Fedora 26 sprint

  1. Date: 11th April to 17th April.
  2. List of priority packages:  Translation sprint packages.
  3. IRC: #fedora-g11n

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Test Day: Internationalization (i18n) features of Fedora 25

Internationalization Test Day

Test Day: Internationalization (i18n) features of Fedora 25

We do have a badge for participating!

We have new, interesting i18n features (changes) introduced in Fedora 25. Those are as follows:

  • Emoji typing – In the computing world, it’s rare to have person not know about emoji. Before, it was difficult to type  emoji in Fedora. Now, we have an emoji typing feature in Fedora 25.
  • Unicode 9.0 – With each release, Unicode introduces new characters and scripts to its encoding standard. We have a good number of additions in Unicode 9.0. Important libraries are updated to get the new additions into Fedora.
  • IBus typing booster Multilingual support – IBus typing booster started providing multilingual support (typing more than one language using single IME – no need to switch) from Fedora 24, but the UI setup was not ready. Fedora 25 has this ready.

Other than this, we also need to make sure all other languages works well specifically input, output, storage and printing.

How to participate

Most of the information is available on the Test Day wiki page. In case of doubts, feel free to send an email to the testing team mailing list.

Though it is a test day, we normally keep it on for the whole week. If you don’t have time tomorrow, feel free to complete it in the coming few days and upload your test results.

Let’s test and make sure this works well for our users!

Globalization improvements in Fedora 24

Fedora 24 remained a happening release from the Globalization contributors’ side. There were a number of events including Test Days, translation sprints, bug triaging, and many result-oriented meetings. This post provides outcomes and results from this dedicated efforts from over 50 contributors.


User Interface

Translated Fedora user interfaces available for the following languages with percentage of translations in brackets.

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Fedora translation sprint – 5 days, 50 members and 20+ thousand words

Starting on April 1st, the Fedora Globalization group ran a 5-day virtual translation sprint to focus on the translation of important GUI packages. During the 5 day sprint, 53 contributors translated 22,723 words over 18 different languages.

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Time to test Fedora 24 internationalization

Internationalization is process of making product in a way, so they can adapt to any regional languages with minimal change. Its time to make sure Fedora 24 supports writing and reading of all major languages (in corresponding script) in the world. We should also make sure all locales work perfectly as expected.

To make this happen Fedora QA and Language testing group have organized the i18n test day.

I18n has 3 important changes in Fedora 24 that need testing: 

  • Glibc locale subpackaging
    From era we are installing all available locales in Glibc irrespective of we use it or not. With this feature in place, now user can install only locales required by him. This is specifically very important in with respect to containers.
  • DNF langpacks
    Langpacks installations is re-designed using language meta-packages langpacks-<langcode> and RPM weak dependencies (Supplements tag).
  • IBus fbterm enhancement for ibus 1.5
    Update of ibus-fbterm to work with IBus 1.5. ibus-fbterm enables major features of ibus 1.5.

Other than above three features, we have to also make sure other important i18n applications work as expected.

 How to participate:

Most of the information available on here.  Feel free to ask a  specific query either on #fedora-test-day or #fedora-g11n on Freenode.


Golden chance to translate Fedora 24 in your language

Out of the six billion people in the world, only 339 million have English as a first language. The importance of English in global business increases the number of English speakers, but the people learning are taking English on as a second language. A notable number of users prefer products in their own language. Japan is a common example of this.

In the Fedora Globalization (G11n) group, we are making this happen. The efforts are huge, and kudos to all our contributors.If you are a non-English user in Fedora and want to help improve translations in your native language, this is your time to contribute! A virtual Fedora translation sprint is coming up soon for Fedora 24 GUI applications.

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Fedora Globalization (G11n) Activity Day – November 2015


Tokyo view from 40th floor of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office

We already had a number of blog posts regarding how Globalization (G11n) Fedora Activity Days (FADs) went. After all of these reports, it makes sense to have one post discussing the achievements from our Activity Days.

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