Tag: Fedora Program Manager (page 2 of 2)

FPgM report: 2018-33

Here’s your report of what has happened in Fedora Program Management this week.

I’ve set up weekly office hours in #fedora-meeting. Drop by if you have any questions or comments about the schedule, Changes, elections or anything else. Continue reading

FPgM report: 2018-32

Inspired by bex’s “Slice of cake” updates, I present to the community this report of what has happened in Fedora Program Management this week. (Well, last week, since I didn’t publish on time because I was busy with Flock.) Continue reading

FPgM report: 2018-31

Photo of a young girl coloring on a an art piece “Kitten Wall” created by Tim Andrew

Inspired by bex’s “Slice of cake” updates, I present to the community this report of what has happened in Fedora Program Management this week. Next week is Flock in Dresden. I hope to see you there!


  • Software string freeze was July 31. The deadline for translations is August 28.
  • Supplemental Wallpaper submission period ends August 7.
  • Code testable deadline is August 14.
  • Code completion deadline is August 28.

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Hello from your new Fedora Program Manager

Headshot of Ben CottonHi, Fedora Community! I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself as the newly-hired Fedora Program Manager. I’ve been a Fedora user for over a decade and a contributor in various roles almost that long. I started out on the documentation team as a writer and then led the team for a few releases. I’ve also maintained packages, dabbled a little bit in marketing (I know I’m way behind on that video ticket, sorry!), and helped promote Fedora through social media and articles on Opensource.com. Professionally, my background is largely in systems administration (with a strong focus on high performance computing in public cloud), but I’ve spent the last two years in marketing. I have a bachelors degree in meteorology and a masters degree in IT project management. I’m also an organizer for a local tech meetup and an occasional freelance writer.

I’m at Red Hat headquarters right now for new hire orientation. Once that’s done, I’ll return home to Indiana and start work. Several interviewers asked what I’d do first if I got the position. Here’s my plan: I’m going to listen. Sure, I’m familiar with Fedora, but I haven’t been able to pay as much attention lately as I’d like. So before I come crashing in with a list of things I want to do, I want to get a better sense for what the community needs from me. That’s a good idea for any job, but particularly for one where I’m serving the needs of a mostly-volunteer community.

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