Tag: Flock 2016

Flock Stories 2016, Episode 5: Haïkel Guémar

Flock Stories by Chris WardPackage maintainer, developer, contributor, mentor, and diversity advocate Haïkel Guémar challenges the Fedora audience to help make on-boarding for new Fedora users simpler. He talks us through example actions we can take to increase diversity in the Fedora Project community.

LISTEN: soundcloud.com/chris-ward-908424795/flock-stories-2016-haikel-guemar

I’m Chris Ward. @kejbaly2 on Twitter, Facebook, and even… Brno. Send me a postcard!

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Flock Stories 2016, Episode 4: Matthew Miller

Flock Stories by Chris WardToday’s guest is Matthew Miller (mattdm)! He’s a long-time Fedora user and contributor, as well as the founder of Boston University Linux. However, perhaps most important of all, he is the current Fedora Project Leader! In this interview, we ask Matthew questions like…

  1. How did you get to where you are today?
  2. What are some of the areas you’re focused on improving in the Fedora community now?
  3. And while we’re here, who else is making waves in the Fedora Project?

LISTEN: soundcloud.com/chris-ward-908424795/flock16-mathew-miller-r3-2016-10-16-chris-ward-flock-stories

I’m Chris Ward. @kejbaly2 on Twitter, Facebook, and even… Brno. Send me a postcard!

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Flock Stories 2016, Episode 3: Brian Exelbierd

Flock Stories by Chris WardWhat can you do to get the most out of your time at events like Flock? Today, we hear from one of the main organizers of this year’s Flock conference, Brian Exelbierd. Brian is a multi-disciplinary Fedora contributor who dabbles in community building, documentation writing, and technical problem solving. Most recently, Brian took up his new role as the Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator (FCAIC). He also has some humble advice for folks looking for hints on how to give their Fedora contribution powers a boost!

LISTEN: https://soundcloud.com/chris-ward-908424795/flock-stories-2016-brian

I’m Chris Ward. @kejbaly2 on Twitter, Facebook, and even… Brno. Send me a postcard!

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Flock Stories 2016, Episode 2: Jonathan Dieter

Flock Stories by Chris WardIt would be pretty amazing if your school ran Fedora for their computer classes, wouldn’t it? Of course it would! And for that, I’m proud to present to you, Jonathan Dieter. Jonathan is an active Fedora Ambassador and a true Fedora evangelist. He is an incredible inspiration to young students at the Lebanon Evangelical School in Beirut, Lebanon, where he has used Fedora for over 10 years! In the interview, Jonathan tells us a bit more about his school and other interesting projects he is following these days.

LISTEN: soundcloud.com/chris-ward-908424795/flock-stories-jonathan-dieter

I’m Chris Ward.  @kejbaly2 on Twitter, Facebook, and even… Brno. Send me a postcard!

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Flock Stories 2016, Episode 1: Redon Skikuli

Flock Stories by Chris WardIf you were wondering where Flock 2018 might be, today’s guest Redon Skikuli might just have your answer! Redon is not just a Fedora community contributor, he’s a Fedora community creator. I ask Redon what he’s up to these days and why he thinks we should also consider joining future Flocks.

LISTEN: https://soundcloud.com/chris-ward-908424795/flock-stories-redon-skikuli

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List of Flock blogs and more

If you’d like to get a bigger picture view, you can read a pre-conference interview with a few Flock speakers here or with Thomas Cameron here.

Days 3 and 4 were reserved for workshops. Also, during these 2 days, people continued to split into smaller groups to discuss matters of their own interests, and so did I. However, I caught up with some of the presenters to ask them about the outcome of their sessions and you can read that at the end of this article. But to be fair – if you want to read something about Flock, feel free to browse the blogs that emerged in the first post-Flock week, listed here:

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Docs Project update from Flock 2016

At Flock 2016 in Krakow, Poland, I had the privilege of updating the community on the status of the Fedora Docs Project.

I made a small presentation and moderated a discussion in the Hackfest: Fedora Docs Learn and Hack panel. Unfortunately, my co-presenter and Fedora Docs Project Lead, Pete Travis, could not attend this year.  Therefore a lot of the conversation reflected my opinions and what I have gleaned from others.

The presentation slides are online. Unfortunately, the session wasn’t recorded or transcribed, so I wanted to try and present the conversation here. I am not attributing any comments in order to avoid mistakes. Additionally, I am working from my memory and the memory of other attendees, so omissions are accidental.

Two focuses for the Docs Project

There was a FAD in May 2016 to formulate ideas for moving the project forward. Two big ideas came out of this meeting:

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Reminder: Flock talk submission deadline is April 8

This is a friendly reminder that the Flock submission deadline is less than a month away, on April 8th 2016. If you have been thinking of submitting a talk or workshop, now would be a great time to get that sent in.

Flock talk ideas

The Council is particularly interested in talks that address any of the current Council Objectives as well as discussions around new Objectives people would like to see. Of course, innovation happens outside of Fedora itself and we’d love
to hear about that as well. If you’ve been using Fedora as a foundation for other interesting Free and Open Source software and/or community work, consider submitting a talk or workshop around it.

Get Flock talks submitted!

Remember, without your contributions we cannot have Flock. Let’s work together to make it great.

Flock 2016 update: Submissions and lodging

Originally posted on the announce@lists.fedoraproject.org mailing list.

As previously announced, the annual Flock conference for Fedora contributors will take place August 2-5, 2016 in Krakow, Poland. Registration is now open at register.flocktofedora.org.

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