Tag: testing (page 1 of 9)

Call for Fedora Linux 39 Test Days

It’s time to start thinking about Test Days for Fedora Linux 39. A Test Day is an event aimed getting interested users and developers together to test a specific feature or area of the distribution. You can run a Test Day on just about anything for which it would be useful to do some fairly focused testing in ‘real time’ with a group of testers; it doesn’t have to be code. For instance, we often run Test Days for localization and internationalization topics.

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Call for Fedora Linux 38 Test Days

It’s time to start thinking about Test Days for Fedora Linux 38. A Test Day is an event aimed getting interested users and developers together to test a specific feature or area of the distribution. You can run a Test Day on just about anything for which it would be useful to do some fairly focused testing in ‘real time’ with a group of testers; it doesn’t have to be code. For instance, we often run Test Days for localization and internationalization topics.

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Contribute to Fedora 37 Upgrade Test Day

Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora Linux work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora before, this is a perfect way to get started. The F37 Upgrade Test Day is Wednesday, October 5.

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Contribute at the Fedora Linux 37 Test Week for Kernel 5.18

The kernel team is working on final integration for Linux kernel 5.18. This version was just recently released, and will arrive soon in Fedora. As a result, the Fedora kernel and QA teams have organized a test week now through Sunday, June 05, 2022. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Call for F37 Test Days

It’s time to start thinking about Test Days for Fedora Linux 37. A Test Day is an event aimed getting together interested users and developers to test a specific feature or area of the distribution. You can run a Test Day on just about anything for which it would be useful to do some fairly focused testing in ‘real time’ with a group of testers; it doesn’t have to be code. For instance, we often run Test Days for l10n/i18n topics. For more information on Test Days, see the wiki.

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Contribute at the Fedora 36 CoreOS Test Week

The Fedora CoreOS team released the first Fedora CoreOS next stream release based on Fedora Linux 36. They expect to promote this to the testing stream in two weeks, on the usual schedule. As a result, the Fedora CoreOS and QA teams have organized a test week. It is underway now and runs through the end of the week. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test cases and materials you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Contribute at the Fedora Linux 36 Test Week for Kernel 5.17

The kernel team is working on final integration for Linux kernel 5.17. This version was just recently released, and will arrive soon in Fedora. As a result, the Fedora kernel and QA teams have organized a test week now through Sunday, April 10, 2022. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Help Us Test Fedora Linux 36 Beta wallpaper

The final F36 day and night beta wallpapers are here! Take a look below and let us know what your thoughts are!

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Contribute at the Fedora Linux 36 Test Week for Kernel 5.16

The kernel team is working on final integration for kernel 5.16. This version was just recently released, and will arrive soon in Fedora. As a result, the Fedora kernel and QA teams have organized a test week from Sunday, January 23, 2022 through Sunday, January 29, 2022. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Contribute at the Fedora Linux 36 Test Week for Kernel 5.15

The kernel team is working on final integration for kernel 5.15. This version was released just recently and will arrive soon in Fedora. As a result, the Fedora kernel and QA teams have organized a test week from Sunday, November 14, 2021 through Sunday, November 21, 2021. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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