Tag: testing (page 2 of 9)

Call for F36 Test Days

It’s time to start thinking about Test Days for Fedora Linux 36. A Test Day is an event aimed getting together interested users and developers to test a specific feature or area of the distribution. You can run a Test Day on just about anything for which it would be useful to do some fairly focused testing in ‘real time’ with a group of testers; it doesn’t have to be code. For instance, we often run Test Days for l10n/i18n topics. For more information on Test Days, see the wiki.

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Contribute at Fedora Linux 35 Virtualization Test Day

Thursday, 2021-10-08 is the Fedora 35 Virtualization Test Day!

Why virt Test Day?

The test day will focus on testing Fedora or your favorite distro inside a bare metal implementation of Fedora running Boxes, KVM, VirtualBox, and whatever you have. The general features of installing the OS and working with it are outlined in the test cases which you will find on the results page.

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tmt hint 02: under the hood

After making the first steps with tmt and investigating the provisioning options let’s now dive together a little bit more and look Under The Hood to see how plans, tests and stories work together on a couple of examples.

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Contribute to Fedora Kernel 5.13 Test Week

The kernel team is working on final integration for kernel 5.13. This version was recently released and will arrive soon in Fedora Linux. As a result, the Fedora kernel and QA teams have organized a test week from Sunday, July 11, 2021 through Sunday, July 18, 2021. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Fedora Linux 35 – Call for Test Days

Hi Fedora users, developers, and friends! It’s time to start thinking about Test Days for Fedora Linux 35.

For anyone who isn’t aware, a Test Day is an event to get a bunch of interested users and developers together to test a specific feature or area of the distribution. Test Days usual focused around IRC for interaction and a wiki page for instructions and results You can run a Test Day on just about anything for which it would be useful to do some fairly focused testing in ‘real time’ with a group of testers; it doesn’t have to be code. For instance, we often run Test Days for l10n/i18n topics. For more information on Test Days, see the wiki.

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Contribute at the Fedora 34 CoreOS Test Day

The Fedora CoreOS team released the first Fedora CoreOS next stream release based on Fedora 34. They expect to promote this to the testing stream in two weeks, on the usual schedule. As a result, the Fedora CoreOS and QA teams have organized a test week. It begins Monday, April 26, 2021 and runs through the end of the week. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test cases and materials you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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tmt hint 01: provisioning options

After the initial hint describing the very first steps with tmt, let’s have a look at the available test execution options. Recall the user story from the very beginning:

As a tester or developer, I want to easily run tests in my preferred environment.

Do you want to safely run tests without breaking your laptop? Use the default provision method virtual which will execute tests under a virtual machine using libvirt with the help of testcloud:

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Fedora Linux 34 Upgrade Test Day 2021-04-07

Wednesday 7 April is the Fedora Linux 34 Upgrade Test Day! As part of the preparation for Fedora Linux 34, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Fedora 34 GNOME 40 Test Day 2021-03-17 through 2021-03-19

Wednesday, 2021-03-17 is the Fedora 34 Gnome 40 Test Day! As part of the changes Gnome 40 in Fedora 34, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Contribute at the Fedora CoreOS Test Day

The Fedora 33 CoreOS Test Day focuses on testing FCOS based on Fedora 33.
The FCOS next stream is already rebased on Fedora 33 content, which will
be coming soon to testing and stable. To prepare for the content being
promoted to other streams the Fedora CoreOS and QA teams have organized a test day on Friday, November 06, 2020 (results accepted through Thursday, November 12). Refer to the wiki page for links to the test cases and materials you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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