Last week, our Taiga instance on was upgraded to Taiga 6. Officially announced today, Taiga 6 is the latest release of the open source project management tool. Fedora’s instance is managed by Taiga and is available to all Fedora teams.

If you’ve used Taiga before, you’ll immediate notice the changes to the user interface. I’ve noticed it being faster and the developers say it feels more intuitive. Less obvious is the addition of a “swimlane” feature to the Kanban board. Swimlanes allow for distinct high-level categories of work.

With the new version, Taiga rewrote the resources section of their webpage which describes how to use the different features. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to use Taiga for your Fedora work, you can check out the Fedora Magazine and Fedora IoT Kanban boards.

If you have questions about how to make effective use of our Taiga instance, feel free to drop by my weekly office hours or send me an email.