The “How is Fedora Organized?” page on Fedora docs has been updated with the org chart below. This chart shows governing bodies, teams, editions/spins, and initiatives. Is your Fedora thing missing? Feel free to open a ticket on the Fedora Mindshare Committee Pagure repo to ask for an update.

How it came to be
One of the first things I did when I became Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator (FCAIC) was to make a draft of an organizational chart for Fedora. I brought it to a Fedora Council face-to-face (when we used to have IRL face-to-faces!). It was met positively but with many questions. For example, what was going on with Ambassadors? What is CommOps now? Is the Websites team active? Should we design the chart to be how it is, or how we want it to be?
Without many solid answers to those questions, work life continued on and COVID happened. I was also swept up into a bunch of different projects like the updated Code of Conduct, community revamps, and figuring out how to organize virtual events for the Fedora community. I can happily say all of these things are well under way and I was able to swing back around to this project in April of 2021.
Working as FCAIC for the last year and a half talking and interacting with the community full time, I have gained a better understanding of where things stand organizationally. I have also helped to re-organize and cultivate some of the Mindshare teams to create answers to the questions the Council had in January 2020. This chart should and will be updated often as the Fedora community continues to grow! I have a dream of moving this concept to an interactive web page/app, where you hover over a bubble and it provides you with clickable info to communication channels, work spaces, repos, etc. Maybe one day 😉
Would it be possible to make the chart link to a full-size version of itself? With the default scaling, the text is not legible. I know I can do right-click and ‘view image’, but a single click would be nicer.
Thank you @riecatnor,
This looks … detailed.