Happy new year everyone! The Fedora Ops Architect weekly has resumed after a little downtime post the holiday period. I hope you all have had a pleasant January and the year is off to a good start. Below are a few items that you might find interesting happening around the project space right now, and I look forward to being able to bring a more diverse spread of information on various activities in Fedora in weeks to come!
Upcoming Travel & Events
Some of you maybe travelling to CentOS Connect (Feb 1st & 2nd) & FOSDEM (Feb 3rd & 4th) this year – lucky you! I will be too and I am looking forward to seeing folks there so come say hi 🙂 However, this comes with the possibility that replies to messages and service requests might be a little slower with people being away from their computer, so please do be patient and as always, for anything in crisis, (ie a service is causing an outage that is infrastructure related), please check the status page, open a ticket in the infra repo and check in on the #fedora matrix channel.
The deadline for devconf.cz call for proposals is also fast approaching, March 3rd 2024, so make sure you get your talks in by this date for consideration!
Fedora Linux 40 Release
Mass Rebuild Finish Delayed
The mass rebuild finish date has been extended by one week to allow for side-tags to be merged and bugs that have emerged during the mass rebuild to be resolved, amongst other tasks, to ensure the build is done well. Right now, the targeted finish date is February 20th. All tasks from the mass rebuild start date up until and including the Beta Freeze have been extended by one week. Please check the release schedule for up to date milestone dates, and report any issues in the schedule repository.
Spins/Labs Keepalive Request
As per a requirement made by FESCo, if you are a maintainer or work in a spin or lab, you must confirm that this is to continue to be built for Fedora Linux 40. A number of tickets have been created in the schedule repo and labeled as spins/keepalive request, please confirm your keepalive request for your respective spin or lab. If you maintain a spin or lab, and did not receive a ticket to confirm, please feel free to create an issue in the repo and tag me for awareness.
Fedora Linux 40 Changes
All deadlines have now passed for changes to be proposed for Fedora Linux 40. If you are an owner of an approved chnage, please be aware that your change must be in a ‘Testable‘ state by 6th Feb 2024. All approved changes to date can be found on the Change Set page. Below are a list of changes that are currently awaiting a decision from FESCo:
- PyTorchRelese
- Replace iotop with iotop-c
- ROCm6Release
- Optimized Binaries for the AMD64 Architecture
- Java21
- ibus-anthy 1.5.16
- IBus 1.5.30
- Fedora IoT Unified Core
- DefaultBpfman
- ArmMinimalImageOSBuild
- Anaconda dir and image installations in automated text mode
- Deprecate ntlm in cyrus sasl
- Fedora IoT Bootable Container
Hot Topics
Join the conversation about planning for src.fedoraproject.org on discourse. I would love to see this topic getting his topic needs more opinions and ideas on how we can move forward with our git forge evaluation efforts this year.
There’s a thread on discourse where Fedorans visiting FOSDEM this year are sharing their plans in order to meet and connect with others attending the event too!
Another thread has been started to talk about creating and introducing a Flock location policy for DEI too, which is such an important conversation to have.
You can also weigh in on the Can We Have a Fedora OEM Installer discussion, and there’s a good conversation happening in the Criteria for making Fedora Atomic the default desktop experience thread too if you want to get involved in that conversation as well.
Help Wanted
That’s all from me this week folks, its good to be back! I look forward to experiencing my first FOSDEM this year next week, and more importantly, meeting more of the fedora community members in person too. Have a great week everyone, and as always – don’t hesitate to reach out 🙂
Start the discussion by commenting on the auto-created topic at discussion.fedoraproject.org