Here’s your report of what has happened in Fedora this week. The Beta freeze is underway. Please update the Release Readiness page with your team’s status.
I have weekly office hours in #fedora-meeting-1. Drop by if you have any questions or comments about the schedule, Changes, elections, or anything else.
Help wanted
- 166 package review requests are awaiting a reviewer
- Orphaned packages seeking maintainers
Upcoming test days
- 31 August through 7 September — BTRFS test week
- 8 September — i18n test day
Prioritized Bugs
- See the Prioritized Bugs documentation for information on the process, including how to nominate bugs.
Bug ID | Component | Status |
1840663 | mediawriter | RELEASE_PENDING |
1862029 | gcc | MODIFIED |
Upcoming meetings
- FPgM Office Hours — 1300 UTC Wednesday in #fedora-meeting-1
- CPE Product Owner office hours — 1300 UTC Thursday in #fedora-meeting-1
- Council meeting — 1700 UTC Thursday in #fedora-meeting
- Fedora Social Hour — 2300 UTC Thursday in #fedora-social on
Fedora 33
- 2020-09-15 — Beta Release (preferred target)
- 2002-09-22 — Beta Release (target date #1)
The full schedule is available on Fedorapeople.
Bug ID | Component | Bug Status | Blocker Status |
1860616 | libreport | ON_QA | Accepted(Beta) |
1861700 | sddm | NEW | Accepted(Beta) |
1827915 | distribution | NEW | Accepted(Beta) |
1849430 | distribution | ASSIGNED | Accepted(Final) |
1849431 | distribution | ASSIGNED | Accepted(Beta) |
1869892 | distribution | NEW | Accepted(Beta) |
1871990 | pki-core | NEW | Accepted(Beta) |
1872068 | systemd | NEW | Proposed(Beta) |
1873029 | libreport | NEW | Proposed(Beta) |
1863041 | openconnect | NEW | Proposed(Beta) |
1829079 | gdm | MODIFIED | Accepted(Final) |
Bugzilla statuses
Status | Count |
ON_QA | 23 |
CLOSED | 8 |
Proposal | Type | Status |
Introduce module Obsoletes and EOL | System-Wide | Deferred to F34 |
Fedora 34
Proposal | Type | Status |
RPM-level auto release and changelog bumping | System-Wide | FESCo #2441 |
Policy for Modules in Fedora and Fedora ELN | Self-Contained | FESCo #2452 |
CompilerPolicy Change | System-Wide | FESCo #2409 |
Python Upstream Architecture Names | Self-Contained | Announced |
Reduce installation media size by improving the compression ratio of SquashFS filesystem | Self-Contained | Announced |
Changes approved, rejected, or withdrawn will be removed from this table the next week. See the ChangeSet page for a full list of approved changes.
CPE update
- Datacenter move
- Communishift will remain offline until further notice
- The infrastructure moves is nearly complete. A list of known issues is available.
- AAA replacement
- See the GitHub kanban board for more information
- See the CPE weekly for more information
Start the discussion by commenting on the auto-created topic at