Here’s your report of what has happened in Fedora Program Management this week.

I have weekly office hours in #fedora-meeting-1. Drop by if you have any questions or comments about the schedule, Changes, elections, or anything else.


Help wanted

Upcoming meetings & test days

Fedora 31


  • 8 October — Final freeze begins
  • 22 October — Final release preferred target


Blocker bugs

Bug IDBlocker statusComponentBug status
1749433Accepted (final)mutterNEW
1747408Accepted (final)distributionnew
1752249Accepted (final)dnfASSIGNED
1750394Accepted (final)gnome-control-centerNEW
1750805Accepted (final)gnome-control-centerNEW
1751438Accepted (final)LiveCDNEW
1754373Accepted (final)mutterNEW
1750036Accepted (final)selinux-policyPOST
1755813Proposed (final)blivet-guiASSIGNED
1751103Proposed (final)dnfMODIFIED
1751646Proposed (final)gnome-screenshotNEW
1754630Proposed (final)gnome-shellNEW
1755898Proposed (final)gnome-shellNEW
1750123Proposed (final)python-blivetNEW
1749868Proposed (final)gnome-softwareNEW
1754767Proposed (final)mutterNEW
1755038Proposed (final)spice-vdagentNEW
1755733Proposed (final)xorg-x11-serverNEW

Fedora 32



Submitted to FESCo

Approved by FESCo

CPE update

Application Retirements

  • Nuancier: maintainers identified
  • Fedocal: still looking for a maintainer
  • Packagedb-cli: being retired this week
  • Badges: planning handover date with maintainers

In addition, the team is creating comprehensive documentation for Communishift.

Project updates

  • Rawhide Gating: on track for early November release
  • repoSpanner: fixed a race condition. Now working on improving the test suite, followed by performance testing.
  • CentOS: The team helped release CentOS 8 this week