My internship of 3 months with Fedora has come to an end. From submitting the form 2 times and finally making it the 3’rd time, the journey has been quite challenging. My project “Improve Fedora QA dashboard” motive was to make the dashboard more impactful so that it will be simplified for the newcomers and they can easily understand and contribute without any complexity.

When I applied to Outreachy I wasn’t even sure if I’ll make it or not because I already had given two applications and wasn’t selected in any of them. Still, I didn’t lose any hope and made it the third time. When the contribution phase started, I was very nervous. The contribution phase is for one month and you have to keep contributing and I was a beginner. I have contributed to two projects. The first one was Wikipedia which was Python-based and the second one was Improve Fedora QA dashboard. After 15 days of contribution, I tested corona positive and couldn’t complete the 6 tasks of Wikipedia, and made 5-6 contributions to Improve Fedora QA dashboard. I wasn’t expecting to qualify for the internship. The waiting for one more month for the results was the longest period I have ever had faced, but after all ups and downs, fortunately, I made it and it feels like yesterday I got the mail from Outreachy, time flies literally…
The journey of Outreachy was very great. I learned lots of things, no more a noob now. My mentors were Lukas and Josef. Whenever I got stuck into something they always sought to help me. I didn’t even have the confidence in myself that I would be able to complete the tasks, but eventually, I did. I knew JavaScript, basic ReactJS, and Vanilla Js, however, the project was not about all this, I have implemented the things for the first time like react-i18n, docker, etc, the beginning of the internship was very smooth and easy going but as I came to the second task it was a bit challenging for me as I had to implement the same page twice with two different approaches so that mentors can choose the better one but what matters here was my learning, I feel the more complicating the tasks are, the more you build up yourself while making it easy, learned how to google finally, more about ReactJs and flourished my skills.
If you are a beginner, Outreachy is the best opportunity to start with. It provides you with good mentors, amazing experience and you can build yourself a better developer, and the other perks are you might get an internship opportunity or job offer. I am an open-source enthusiast and always wanted to clear Outreachy. To all the people who want to grab this amazing opportunity don’t be afraid even if you are a newbie, keep working hard, you will definitely make it and will always cherish it. The journey of mine being an Outreachy ’21 intern under Improve Fedora QA dashboard ended today but the experience will always remain in my heart.
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