Author: manishakanyal

Outreachy final blog post

My internship of 3 months with Fedora has come to an end. From submitting the form 2 times and finally making it the 3’rd time, the journey has been quite challenging. My project “Improve Fedora QA dashboard” motive was to make the dashboard more impactful so that it will be simplified for the newcomers and they can easily understand and contribute without any complexity. 

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Modifying expectations

I can’t believe my Outreachy internship is halfway done! It has gone by so fast – and it probably feels that way because of how much there is to do and learn.

I’m so grateful for the journey that I have experienced so far, with new challenges I got to learn so many things, time flies literally. 

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Everybody Struggles

Everybody struggles in life every now and then. Struggling is a part of life. It doesn’t matter what other people think or say, it all depends on people’s perspectives. That determines your personal struggle. We’re all pretty lazy when it comes down to it. If you’re struggling, it’s because you need to do more than you’re doing currently. But doing more of the wrong type of activity will only suffer you more.

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Think about your audience

In this post, I’ll be writing about fedora and the project on which I’ve been working.

Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project which is sponsored primarily by Red Hat, a subsidiary of IBM, with additional support from other companies. Fedora Linux is a favorite among Linux users who want their operating system to respect open source

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Introduce yourself Outreachy

Hello everyone!

I’m Manisha Kanyal, a sophomore B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering student from India. I’m passionate about open source and software development. The project for which I’ve been selected as an Outreachy intern is “Improve Fedora QA dashboard” and I’m enthusiastic and grateful for this opportunity. It’s going to be a great learning experience for me.

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