I can’t believe my Outreachy internship is halfway done! It has gone by so fast – and it probably feels that way because of how much there is to do and learn.

I’m so grateful for the journey that I have experienced so far, with new challenges I got to learn so many things, time flies literally. 

When the contribution period ended I didn’t know that I have to fill my timeline to get selected fortunately on IRC I asked this doubt one day before to my mentor and he replied saying its necessary for you to get selected and then again luckily the timeline deadline got extended, so I had around 3-4 day to complete it, and then when I filled I was like “oh my god” is that even possible for a beginner like me to complete because I have written like so many tasks, I kind of hoping that it would be difficult for me to complete these tasks, but as I proceeded to tasks I progressed. I learned so many things. 

The first task was very easy and it got completed in 4-5 days, I just have to change the UI of the fedora QA meeting dashboard’s landing page, but the second task was really challenging though it was initially seemed to be difficult, I had to make the whole page from scratch, literally, I was afraid if I could do this or not, many doubts were roaming around my head.  But eventually, I completed it with a lot of struggle here, and after making the whole page from scratch, we discussed that we should give this issue a try using another way. So, I built the same page two times but with a different approach. The first approach was stepped, in step as the name suggests the user will go through the steps as he/she moves forward while in the second approach every issue of the wizard will be initially available for the user and there would be four dropdowns to filter what user is looking for, it took time more than I expected to complete. 

During this period, I learned more about Array Grouping, Filtration, Mapping, React Routing, using useLocation() to get queryParams, CSS Flexbox, etc. My next goal is to complete the fedora manual testing page and complete tasks as much as possible.

 My second half goals are to complete tasks that I have written in my timeline which are documentation page, open QA page, authentication, the other going to be very crucial because lots of new things are there which I’ll be working on for the first time like authentication, so it’s going to be amazing.