Tag: documentation (page 1 of 2)

Join a December 2023 Fedora Docs workshop!

Use Linux on the desktop or server? Want to benefit from writing user documentation? There’s no better way to wrap up 2023 than with the Fedora Docs workshop.

Join us on December 7, 2023 from UTC 08:00-09:00 (see local time below). The Fedora Docs team will guide you on how to contribute user documentation, get ahead of technical writing skills and learn Docs tool set.

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Charting the vision: Fedora DEI Team October 2023 update

October 2023 recently came to an end. With it, so did the first sprint of the Fedora Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Team. This post is a brief recap of our highlights from the last month. It was a busy month for the DEI Team:

  • Began planning and execution of Fedora Appreciation Week.
  • Ratified new vision and mission statements for the team.
  • Revised several pages of our Fedora Docs site.
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Contribute to the Fedora Project during Hacktoberfest 2022

Allow us to wake you up when September ends because Hacktoberfest is (nearly) here. And you can contribute to the Fedora Project while participating in Hacktoberfest 2022! This event is an excellent opportunity to advocate for free and open-source software, all while giving back to the community with the contribution of your choice. Hacktoberfest includes low and non-code contributions. You can diversify your contributions to include writing docs, creating designs, running tests, mentoring folks, and much more. This global event is open for anyone, from students to professionals. People of all backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to join us.

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Fedora docs is about to change significantly! Check it out still in statu nascendi.

In a recent Fedora Magazine article we shared about a new burst of energy regarding the Fedora docs. We already implemented various improvements and worked on a plan to generally improve and update Fedora documentation.

The latter will lead to far-reaching changes in Fedora documentation and is about to happen now and entail continuous changes over the next approximately 12 months. We present here our analysis, our content concept and our implementation planning. We hope for ideas from the community to further enhance the concept and for support to turn it into reality.

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Fedora documentation is now multilingual

The Fedora project documentation website provides a lot of end-users content. All of this content is now translateable, providing a powerful tool for our multilingual communication. Writers will continue to work as usual. The publishing tools automatically convert content and push it to the translation platform. Then, translated content is automatically published.

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My Outreachy 2019 experience with Fedora Happiness Packets: Contribution phase

Firstly, what’s Outreachy?

Outreachy is a program that provides internships to work in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Outreachy internships are open to applicants around the world. Interns work remotely, and are not required to move. Interns are paid a stipend of $5,500 USD for the three month internship. Interns have a $500 USD travel stipend to attend conferences or events.

How did I get into it?

I was looking for a remote job (more on this in another blog) and have been applying to many positions that I thought I would fit in. If you have applied to jobs, you would know that this process is not very forgiving. Most of the applications had no response, and some others already had the positions filled (I don’t know why was the job listing not taken down 😕).

During this process I was actively learning new things, mostly JS based since my basic stack is HTML-CSS-JS. So I was learning NodeJs, MongoDB, React to build up my skill-set and get better at what I want to do.

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Fedora IoT Docs are Live

Fedora Internet of Things is a variant of Fedora focused on IoT ecosystems. This month I had the opportunity to focus on the Fedora IoT Documentation with the working group as a part advancing their objectives.

What was done

I began by expanding the “Getting Started” section to help people do as the title indicates: get started. This section is focused on getting the images downloaded and a device up and running with an initial user. The steps are detailed enough to help those that are also new to Fedora distributions.

Next I reorganized some of the remaining initial content into a “User Guide” section. This section covers topics thought of as the “next steps” in using the Fedora IoT images. I detailed the steps for managing updates with rpm-ostree and switching between development and stable builds. I also added examples for layered packages, adding repositories, and even running containers. Finally I provided some pointers for other administration tasks with links to existing Fedora Documentation

What is next

Design ideas: My focus was on technical content. The basic layout is dictated by the Fedora Docs project but a bit of design work on the welcome page and the addition of any IoT specific logos would be nice. Also, there are a few screenshots that could use a pointer or box to highlight the area described in the text.

Verify links for downloads and upgrades: The working group now has regular updated images available in a CDN and the next downloadable image is in progress along with the final version of the landing page for downloads. Once the update and release schedule process is smoothed out, the documentation needs to be verified.

Get ready for F30: When Fedora 30 is ready, the site will need some Release Notes and the User Guide will need some updates to cover new features. You can submit suggestions as iot-docs issues in pagure.

A lot of progress was made this month and I learned more about asciidoc, ostree, and my Pi device. Also that my fingers are too big for microSD cards!

Check out the content at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/
Feedback is welcome — just let us know with an iot-docs issue or through any of the methods mentioned on the welcome page!

Design new Fedora Badges with the style guide

This week, the Fedora Badges team published a full walk-through of how to design new Fedora Badges on the Fedora Docs site. The walk-through is the best reference to use when designing new badges. It includes the following:

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Teaching metrics and contributor docs at Flock 2017

The Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team held an interactive workshop during the annual Fedora contributor conference, Flock. Flock took place from August 29th to September 1st in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Justin W. Flory and Sachin Kamath represented the team in the workshop. CommOps spends a lot of time working with metrics and data tools available in Fedora, like fedmsg and datagrepper. Our workshop introduced some of the tools to work with metrics in Fedora and how to use them. With our leftover time, we discussed the role of contributor-focused documentation in the wiki and moving it to a more static place in Fedora documentation.

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Documentation and Modularity at Flock 2017

If I had to choose one buzzword for Flock 2017 at Cape Cod, it would be ‘modularity’. Modules, module building, module testing, and module explaining seemed to be all over the place. I attended to give a workshop (with Aneta ŠP) about a proposed way to inject new life into the Fedora Documentation Project. Continue reading


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