Tag: documentation (page 2 of 2)

Two Docs Workshops at Flock 2017

This year’s Flock saw two documentation workshops. One focused on reviving Fedora documentation as modular docs based on user stories. The other had participants helping to document Atomic Host features.

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List of Flock blogs and more

If you’d like to get a bigger picture view, you can read a pre-conference interview with a few Flock speakers here or with Thomas Cameron here.

Days 3 and 4 were reserved for workshops. Also, during these 2 days, people continued to split into smaller groups to discuss matters of their own interests, and so did I. However, I caught up with some of the presenters to ask them about the outcome of their sessions and you can read that at the end of this article. But to be fair – if you want to read something about Flock, feel free to browse the blogs that emerged in the first post-Flock week, listed here:

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Docs Project update from Flock 2016

At Flock 2016 in Krakow, Poland, I had the privilege of updating the community on the status of the Fedora Docs Project.

I made a small presentation and moderated a discussion in the Hackfest: Fedora Docs Learn and Hack panel. Unfortunately, my co-presenter and Fedora Docs Project Lead, Pete Travis, could not attend this year.  Therefore a lot of the conversation reflected my opinions and what I have gleaned from others.

The presentation slides are online. Unfortunately, the session wasn’t recorded or transcribed, so I wanted to try and present the conversation here. I am not attributing any comments in order to avoid mistakes. Additionally, I am working from my memory and the memory of other attendees, so omissions are accidental.

Two focuses for the Docs Project

There was a FAD in May 2016 to formulate ideas for moving the project forward. Two big ideas came out of this meeting:

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You’re invited: FOSCo Brainstorm Meeting, 2016-07-18, 13:00 UTC

For some time now, Fedora has discussed the idea of the Fedora Outreach Steering Committee (FOSCo), a body to coordinate all our outreach efforts. Now it’s time to make it happen!

FOSCo brainstorming: you’re invited!

On behalf of FAmSCo and the Fedora Council, we would like to invite the Fedora community to an all-hands.

Roll call

So far, the following participants have confirmed attendance.

The fact that we already have a good team of volunteers should not stop you from attending. In fact, we would like to hear more voices from all stakeholders. The more, the better! To get an idea what FAmSCo has been working on so far, please have a look at the wiki page and current status.

None of this is set in stone yet, and we feel we need your input before we go any further. We are looking forward to your comments and to meet you next Monday!

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Event Report: Fedora Docs FAD

Fedora Docs FAD 2016 Badge

The Documentation Fedora Activity Day held this past weekend in Raleigh, NC had an impressive collection of stakeholders across the Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS projects. It was certainly not your typical “hackathon” or “DocSprint.” There was much productive discussion, tools vetting, future planning, AND development.
Etherpad Export: Full Agenda and Notes
IRC Meeting Log: Friday
IRC Meeting Log: Saturday
IRC Meeting Log: Sunday
Docs FAD Fedora Badge


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