Tag: Fedora Activity Day (FAD) (page 1 of 2)

Fedora Docs Translations FAD Report

Last week Jean-Baptiste Holcroft and Adam Šamalík met in Strasbourg for Docs Translations mini-FAD in order to prototype translations support for the Fedora Docs website. And we did a lot of work! This post is a report from the event, a status report, and a brief plan for how to move forward.

Our goal was to make sure we’re both on the same page about how it’s all going to work, to do some coding and publish a functional prototype, and to write a set of requirements for a potential production deployment.

The event happened a co-working space Le Shadok and we were grateful for being able to use the spaces for free.

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Commitment to community: Fedora CommOps FAD 2018

The Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team held a team sprint, or Fedora Activity Day, from January 29-31, 2018. CommOps provides tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication. The FAD was an opportunity for us to further our mission by focusing on two primary goals and two secondary goals for 2018.

The CommOps FAD aimed to carry out these primary goals:

  • Pursue plan of deploying a GrimoireLabs dashboard, visualizing fedmsg data
  • Launch Fedora Appreciation Week in 2018

This article explains what we accomplished in our FAD, how we have progressed since then, and what is next for the team.

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Interviews on the Fedora Infrastructure Hackathon 2018

This week, the Fedora Infrastructure team is convening for a Hackathon from April 9-13 at Fredericksburg, VA. You can also attend/partake remotely in #fedora-admin from 09:30 UTC-5 daily. The hackathon is intended to help the team leap ahead for several critical Fedora and CentOS initiatives. We interviewed members of the Fedora Infrastructure team to ask what the goals for the hackathon are and why it is needed.

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Participate in Fedora 26 translation sprint

Badge for Fedora 26 Translation sprint

Badge for Fedora 26 Translation sprint

With the great success of our collaboration during Fedora 24 and Fedora 25 to improve localization, this is the time to make it even better for Fedora 26. Since this is the third consecutive sprint, I am sure what more formal introduction is required. Let’s see the details on how to participate.

Details about the Fedora 26 sprint

  1. Date: 11th April to 17th April.
  2. List of priority packages:  Translation sprint packages.
  3. IRC: #fedora-g11n

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Mission to understand: Fedora Diversity FAD 2017

Team picture of the Diversity Team members (left to right: Brian Exelbierd, Amita Sharma, Radka Janek, Jona Azizaj, Bhagyashree Padalkar, Justin W. Flory)

Team picture of the Diversity Team members (left to right: Brian Exelbierd, Amita Sharma, Radka Janek, Jona Azizaj, Bhagyashree Padalkar, Justin W. Flory)

The Fedora Diversity FAD (a.k.a. Fedora Activity Day, or a sprint) took place during the weekend of DevConf, 27-29 January. The original planning for this FAD started in August 2016, after the Flock 2016 conference. At Flock, the Diversity Team held a panel with open discussion about diversity and inclusion efforts in Fedora. Based on the feedback received during and after the panel, it was a priority for us to continue working on the objectives we had established before Flock. For the FAD, a majority of the Fedora Diversity Team was present along with a few others.

We made significant progress in accomplishing our larger objectives and to contribute to the Fedora Project mission and goals. The primary objectives we established for our FAD were completing plans for the demographic survey, building a campaign based on those results, and analyzing our Code of Conduct to find ways to better impact the community. This report covers each of these objectives, what we accomplished, and what we plan to do next.

Logic model used for preliminary planning and mapping out the activities and impact of the Fedora Diversity FAD 2017

Logic model used for preliminary planning and mapping out the activities and impact of the Fedora Diversity FAD

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Fedora Activity Day, Bangalore 2017

The Fedora Activity Day (FAD) is a regional event (either one-day or multi-day) that allows Fedora contributors to gather together in order to work on specific tasks related to the Fedora Project.

FAD in Bangalore

On February 25th 2017, a FAD was conducted in one of the admirable university of Bangalore: University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE). It was not a typical “hackathon” or “DocSprint” but a series of productive and interactive sessions on different tools.

Fedora Activity Day, Bangalore 2017

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Fedora Cloud FAD 2016 Report

The Fedora Cloud Working Group met on June 7 and 8 in Raleigh to work on deliverables for Fedora 25 and beyond. As it turns out, we had a really productive set of discussions and have some good ideas for the Cloud Working Group going forward.

Some of the discussions were around immediate action items, some were around ideas of where we’d like to go – and these will require additional discussion with the larger community. As a reminder, the working group tries to operate on a consensus model and with transparency as much as possible. This means major decisions are usually only taken after a discussion has been held on the cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org mailing list and have either gotten enough +1’s from members to pass, pass via lazy consensus, or get knocked down for one reason or another.

Here’s a quick sweep of major topics that came up over the two days!

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Fedora Cloud FAD 2016

Fedora Cloud FAD 2016

Are you a Fedora contributor?
Do you love “The Cloud?”
Do you enjoy working with projects like Atomic, Vagrant, and Docker?

Then you should *totally* participate remotely in the Cloud Working Group’s Fedora Activity Day (FAD) in Raleigh, NC on June 7th and 8th! The Cloud Working Group will be making decisions, tackling tickets, and writing code to help with topics like automated testing, documentation, and increasing our public cloud provider footprint.

Be sure to check out the Cloud FAD wiki page, sign up as a remote attendee, and join us in #fedora-meeting-3 on Freenode during the event.

Event Report: Fedora Docs FAD

Fedora Docs FAD 2016 Badge

The Documentation Fedora Activity Day held this past weekend in Raleigh, NC had an impressive collection of stakeholders across the Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS projects. It was certainly not your typical “hackathon” or “DocSprint.” There was much productive discussion, tools vetting, future planning, AND development.
Etherpad Export: Full Agenda and Notes
IRC Meeting Log: Friday
IRC Meeting Log: Saturday
IRC Meeting Log: Sunday
Docs FAD Fedora Badge


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Fedora translation sprint – 5 days, 50 members and 20+ thousand words

Starting on April 1st, the Fedora Globalization group ran a 5-day virtual translation sprint to focus on the translation of important GUI packages. During the 5 day sprint, 53 contributors translated 22,723 words over 18 different languages.

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