Migration from Trac / FedoraHosted

Earlier in Kevin’s announcement,  it was announced that Fedora Infrastructure will retire fedorahosted.org. They urge all its active projects to move to pagure.io (or any other place they feel best meets their needs). The tentatively scheduled retirement date is February 28th, 2017.

After this announcement, there are many discussions and movement in different sub-projects.  Some teams have already completed the migration successfully.

Trac alternative options

There are a few options that can be considered for migration.

  1. Pagure (preferred)
  2. Hosting and managing own Trac instance on OpenShift
  3. JIRA
  4. Phabricator
  5. GitHub
  6. Taiga

So far, Pagure is the most considered option and many teams have already migrated to Pagure. Unlike other options, Pagure is officially supported by the Fedora Infrastructure team and is also used by other contributors across the project community. This gives Pagure a leading edge over other options, but the best solution will be specific to each team’s needs.

Pagure benefits

Some of the benefits of using Pagure for a replacement workflow are as follows.

  • Shifting to Pagure is easy and efficient using the Pagure Importer tool by Fedora Infrastructure
  • In the Pagure repo, priorities can be set for tickets based on ranking (e.g. 10=urgent, 20=high, 30=normal, etc.)
    • Additionally, we can have custom priorities too
  • Pagure milestones have been improved
  • Roadmaps can be used in Pagure
    • All the tickets with milestones set will show up on the Roadmap page
    • For each milestone defined in project settings, the Roadmap groups tickets with the corresponding milestone
    • Tickets without milestones are group in an unplanned section
    • All of fields in both ticket types and ticket components are likely best implemented in tags for tickets (allows for categorization and grouping of the tickets based on their keywords)
  • The “blocked by” and “blocking” feature is available in Pagure as metadata
  • Every task / issue can be easily labeled using tags
  • Pagure Importer tool can be used to import tickets to Pagure
  • It is free and open source!

While reading and doing a reach for Pagure, I have come across this awesome post by Paul W. Frields , which can be referenced to read more on Pagure.

And last, but not the least, if you face any issue while Pagure in Fedora, you can open an issue here.

Image courtesy Gareth Davies – originally posted to Unsplash as Untitled.

Categories: Fedora Project Community, Infrastructure

Start the discussion by commenting on the auto-created topic at discussion.fedoraproject.org


  1. great newa, but!
    there’s a question. a practical one: how are translations going? i still haven’t seen anything on zanata concerning pagure. can you point some news on this?

    • This is a great question, and I’m not sure what the status on Pagure translations are. I’ll try to point someone from Fedora Infrastructure to try answering this.

    • Unfortunately, Pagure has not focused on supporting internationalization and localization. I’ve filed an issue[0] to track the problem, but I’m afraid it’ll be some time before translations are available since Pagure needs to start using the Python tools for internationalization before translations can be done.

      [0] https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/1539

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