Tag: Fedora Loves Python

Fedora Loves Python 2020 report

Inspired by a similar report from the Copr team, I’ve decided to look back at 2020 from the perspective of Python in Fedora (and little bit in RHEL/CentOS+EPEL as well). Here are the things we have done in Fedora (and EL) in 2020. By we I usually mean the Python Maint team at Red Hat and/or the Fedora’s Python SIG.

The year 2020 was a special year for the Python community (not only because of the pandemic), as Python 2 has finally gone out of support at the very beginning of the year, with an ultimate (somehow celebratory) release of Python 2.7.18 in April.

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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects including Fedora. The initiative is led by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team. The number of women in tech have been increasing year over year,  further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On September 21, We had our first Fedora Women’s Day in the UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City) and we loved to do it.

Taken during the first Fedora Women's Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
Taken during the first Fedora Women’s Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
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Fedora 27 release party: Managua, Nicaragua

On February 27th, the Fedora Community in Nicaragua ran a Release Party for the F27 Release. The activity took place in a salon of Hotel Mansión Teodolinda in Managua. This is our first activity of the year. This event was late in the Fedora Development Schedule because the Fedora 28 release is coming soon this year, but we need to keep the community active and keep promoting the Fedora Four Foundations in Nicaragua. The event schedule was…

  1. Few talks about news of the Fedora 27 release
  2. Coffee break
  3. Questions and Answers

Fedora 27 release part in Managua, Nicaragua

Fedora 27 Release Party Managua

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Fedora was at PyCon SK 2017

At the second weekend in March 2017, Fedora had a booth at PyCon SK, a community-organized conference for the Python programming language held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The event happened for the second time this year, and it happened with Fedora again.

PyCon SK 2017 took 3 days. First day most of the talks were in Slovak (or Czech) and Michal Cyprian presented problems that my arise when users use sudo pip and how we want to solve those problems in Fedora by making sudo pip safe again. During the lightnings talks section, I presented about Elsa, a tool that helps to create static web pages using Flask. Elsa powers up the Fedora Loves Python website.

Michal Cyprian presenting

Michal Cyprian presenting. Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY-SA

The next day was mostly English. Another Fedora contributors Jona Azizaj and Petr Viktorin had their talks. Jona presented about building Python communities and empowering women. Petr’s talk was about the balance of Python (constraints and conventions versus the freedom to do whatever you want) and its impact on the language and the community. Petr also metacoached the Django Girls workshop on Sunday.

But Fedora’s presence was not just through people. Fedora had a booth filled with swag. We gave out all our remaining Fedora Loves Python stickers, plenty of Fedora 25 DVDs, pins, stickers, pens, buttons… We had couple of Proud Fedora User t-shirts available and plenty of Fedora users asked for them, so we decided to come up with a quiz about Fedora and a raffle to decide who gets them.

Fedora Swag

Fedora Swag

Fedora booth at PyCon SK 2017

Fedora booth at PyCon SK 2017. Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY-SA

Lot of the visitors were already familiar with Fedora or even Fedora users this year, which was quite different in compassion with the previous year, where a lot of people were actually asking what Fedora is. <joke>Maybe because we already explained it a year ago, now every visitor already uses Fedora?</joke>

See you next year Bratislava!

Featured Image Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY-SA

Fedora at PyCon CZ 2016

The last weekend of October was perfect timing for the annual Python community gathering in Brno, Czech Republic for PyCon CZ. Organized by a wonderful group of people from the PyCon CZ community, it is the second PyCon in the Czech Republic to gather Pythonistas from the whole country and abroad, share knowledge, learn and chat over a cup of coffee. And of course Fedora was there to make sure that everyone knows how Fedora loves Python.

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Fedora needs you to port a Python package!

Fedora is always moving forward and that means switching to Python 3. There are plenty of upstream projects that already support Python 3. Unfortunately, they are often not packaged in Fedora. We try to keep track of such cases and more in the Fedora Python 3 Porting Database. There, you can see these packages marked with a blue color and listed on the page for Mispackaged packages. Get up to three Fedora badges for updating spec files to support Python 3! Join the porting party, help us move to the future and get your reward. We can port it, but not without your help!

Join the Python 3 Porting Party! Port a package to Python 3

Join the Python 3 Porting Party!

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Will you be attending the annual Python Conference in Portland, Oregon this year? Then you should totally come and find us at the Development Sprints! Check out our PyCon 2016 Wiki page for details.

Behold the Swag

Fedora Friends’ Hex stickers

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