Tag: Fedora Workstation

Contribute at the Fedora i18n and GNOME 42 test weeks

Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora before, this is a perfect way to get started.

There are two upcoming test days in the upcoming week. The first, starts on Monday 28 February through Monday 07 March, is to test the GNOME 42. Monday 07 March through Sunday 13 March, the test day is focusing on testing internationalization. Come and test with us to make the upcoming Fedora 36 even better. Read more below on how to do it.

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Fedora Linux 34 Upgrade Test Day 2021-04-07

Wednesday 7 April is the Fedora Linux 34 Upgrade Test Day! As part of the preparation for Fedora Linux 34, we need your help to test if everything runs smoothly!

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Fedora status updates: September 2020

Welcome to the newly-revitalized monthly set of updates on key areas within Fedora. This update includes Fedora Council representatives, Fedora Editions, and Fedora Objectives. The content here is based on the regular updates submitted to the Fedora Council, published to the project dashboard.

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Contribute at the Fedora Test Week for Btrfs

The Fedora Project is changing the default file system for desktop variants,—including Fedora Workstation, Fedora KDE, and more—for the first time since Fedora 11. Btrfs will replace ext4 as the default filesystem in Fedora 33. The Change is code complete, and has been testable in Rawhide as the default file system since early July. The Fedora Workstation working group and QA team have organized a test week from Monday, August 31, 2020 through Monday, Septemper 07, 2020. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test images you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Fedora status updates: November 2019

Welcome to the monthly set of updates on key areas within Fedora. This update includes Fedora Council representatives, Fedora Editions, and Fedora Objectives. The content here is based on the weekly updates submitted to the Fedora Council, published to the project dashboard.

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Test Day: Fedora Silverblue

Why test Fedora Silverblue

Fedora Silverblue is a new variant of Fedora Workstation with rpm-ostree at its core to provide fully atomic upgrades. Furthermore, Fedora Silverblue is immutable and upgrades as a whole, providing easy rollbacks from updates if something goes wrong. Fedora Silverblue is great for developers using Fedora with good support for container-focused workflows.

Additionally, Fedora Silverblue delivers desktop applications as Flatpaks. This provides better isolation/sandboxing of applications, and streamlines updating applications — Flatpaks can be safely updated without reboot.
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GNOME 3.30: “Almería”: Updates and Improvements You Might Not Know

On September 5, 2018 GNOME project announced the release of GNOME 3.30.

Version 3.30 contains six months of work by the GNOME community and includes many improvements and new features.

This release features some significant performance improvements. The entire desktop now uses fewer system resources, which means you can run more apps at once.

Fun Fact: 3.30 has been named “Almería” in recognition of this year’s GUADEC organizing team. GUADEC is GNOME’s primary annual conference which was held in Almería, Spain this year.

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Fedora tackles Southeast Linux Fest 2018

Ambassadors Report for Southeast Linux Fest -Ben and Cathy Williams, Andrew and Julie Ward, Rosnel Echervarria, and Nick Bebout

Southeast Linux Fest June 8 – 10, 2018, Charlotte North Carolina

Southeast Linux fest

Julie and Ben just after setup

The annual event reached its historical 10 year mark this year. Southeast Linux Fest has been one of the most successful and long running events when it comes to Linux and only is topped by Scale and Linux Fest Northwest. Southeast Linux Fest (SELF) an event that is held at the Sheraton Airport Hotel Charlotte North Carolina. This event was centralized to accommodate attendance (easy access from Airport) from many of the surrounding states. We saw many individuals from the Tennessee, Georgia (Atlanta/Macon area), South Carolina, and Florida, as well as the local attendees from the Charlotte area and the state of North Carolina.

Event Goals from the desk of Southeast Linux Fest Coordinator

Discussing the primary goal of this event with the Coordinator (of Southeast Linux Fest), the target was to draw from the surrounding southern states. The secondary goal was opening the event to everyone  interested in learning about free and open source software. Later in this report we will discuss some of the feedback given to the Coordinator about Southeast Linux Fest.

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Wayland is default in Fedora Workstation Rawhide

Fedora developer Ray Strode recently posted to the Fedora Developers list with the news that Wayland is now used by default when you log into GNOME with Fedora Workstation.  Previously to try out Wayland with Workstation, there was an additional session in the login screen that allowed you to choose either login with Xorg or Wayland. This change is part of the much anticipated proposed Fedora 24 feature, Wayland by Default. 

Ray also noted that, as the Change is still proposed, if Wayland by default doesn’t pan out, or the change doesn’t get approved rawhide will be switched back to having both sessions.

Ray also noted:

“But it’s good to get this in rawhide now, so we can get as much
exposure as possible to potential Wayland problems and get them fixed up before release.”

So if you use Rawhide, test away and file bugs!

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