Tag: internationalization (i18n) (page 1 of 2)

Contribute at the Fedora i18n and GNOME 42 test weeks

Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora before, this is a perfect way to get started.

There are two upcoming test days in the upcoming week. The first, starts on Monday 28 February through Monday 07 March, is to test the GNOME 42. Monday 07 March through Sunday 13 March, the test day is focusing on testing internationalization. Come and test with us to make the upcoming Fedora 36 even better. Read more below on how to do it.

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Test Week: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 34

All this week, we will be testing internationalization (i18n) features in Fedora 34. Those are as follows:

  • kasumi-unicode: — kasumi-unicode will be generated newly with kasumi.spec in kasumi project.
  • ibus-anthy for default Japanese IME:— The current default Japanese IME(input method engine) is ibus-kkc and the default is going to change to ibus-anthy to develop Japanese IME more effectively.
  • ibus-m17n as default Sinhala IME :— The current default input method for Sinhala is ibus-sayura. This should change to the ibus-m17n input method “m17n:si:sayura – sayura (m17n)”
  • ibus-unikey as default Vietnamese IME :— This recommended default input method for Vietnamese will be changed from ibus-bogo to ibus-unikey
  • EnableHarfBuzzInFreeType :— Goal of this feature is to enable usage of HarfBuzz in FreeType to improve hinting of glyphs of languages which needs more complicated text shaping.
  • IBus 1.5.24 :— IBus will provide GTK4 IM module and enhance ibus-setup to search input method names more easily.
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Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 33

All of this week, we will be testing internationalization (i18n) features in Fedora 33. Those are as follows:

  • IBus 1.5.23: will replace the allowlist of XKB engines with the denylist of XKB ones
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Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 32

All this week, we will be testing internationalization (i18n) features in Fedora 32. Those are as follows:

  • FontLangProvidesToLangpacks: — This Change moved Provides: font(:lang=<langcode>) from fonts packages into new langpacks-core-font-<langcode> packages, which define the default Sans font for each language.
  • ProvideOpenTypeBitmapFonts:— This Change provides bitmap fonts with modern font format (OpenType Bitmap Font) to use with gnome-terminal and other applications which uses pango for font rendering.
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Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 31

All next week, we will be testing internationalization (i18n) features in Fedora 31. Those are as follows:

  • Langpacks-core — This allows more flexibility for users who want to do custom installations/Spins, or starting from minimal images/installs. They will be able to add basic i18n support for one or more specific language in a predictable standard way without pulling in additional langpacks for translations and extra fonts which may not be required for each added languages.
  • IBus 1.5.21 — IBus 1.5.21 will extend the current compose typing.
    • IBus will extend the compose key sequences less than 255 characters
    • IBus will extend the compose outputs more equal than one characters.
  • VariableNotoFonts — This Change aims to change the priority in Google Noto to make Variable Fonts higher than non-Variable Fonts.
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Internationalization test day report for Fedora 30

In the preparation for Fedora 30 release, the Internationalization Team organized an Internationalization (i18n) Test Day on March 19. This test day like all the previous i18n test days, its seen that people came from all over the world to participate in this test event. Since the early morning, internationalization engineers were present in #fedora-test-day channel to help people testing on this day.

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Fedora Kernel and i18n Test Day: PICT College


We met for 2 meeting instances to plan this college meetup, once on 30th August 2018 and then again on 3rd September 2018 in Red Hat office. This event was planned as an alternative to the September Fedora Pune Meetup. We decided to do something different this time by executing a recent Fedora 29 test day with a room full of students of Computer department in the PICT college of Pune. Professor Mayur was our point of contact in the college and we had shared the Fedora 29 image under test with him. He ensured students have it installed on their respective systems before the actual test day. Pravin Satpute from Red hat helped us with coordination with the college. Kaushik Banerjee arranged for few Fedora and Red Hat badges to distribute among the attending students. The event took place on Friday, 7th September 2018.

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Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 29

All this week, we will be testing for  i18n features in Fedora 29. Those are as follows:

  • Liberation Fonts 2 – Liberation 2.00.3 has wider character coverage and automated hinting instructions.
  • CJK Default To Noto FontsThis change will provides better quality of rendering for all of Chinese, Japanese and Korean  characters. We will now have default installed Serif face for Japanese and Korean, and also a Monospace face for all of CJK languages and keep consistencies in look among those typefaces.
  • IBUS 1.5.19 – Now users can type either emoji annotation or Unicode names on the current application and see the composing text before the final committed text is output.

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Internationalization test day report for Fedora 25

Like every Fedora release, in preparation for Fedora 25 release, the Globalization Team organized an Internationalization (i18n) Test Day on September 28. It was nice to see that people came from all over the world to participate in this test day event. Since the early morning, internationalization engineers were present in #fedora-test-day and #fedora-g11n channel to help people testing on this day.
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Test Day: Internationalization (i18n) features of Fedora 25

Internationalization Test Day

Test Day: Internationalization (i18n) features of Fedora 25

We do have a badge for participating!

We have new, interesting i18n features (changes) introduced in Fedora 25. Those are as follows:

  • Emoji typing – In the computing world, it’s rare to have person not know about emoji. Before, it was difficult to type  emoji in Fedora. Now, we have an emoji typing feature in Fedora 25.
  • Unicode 9.0 – With each release, Unicode introduces new characters and scripts to its encoding standard. We have a good number of additions in Unicode 9.0. Important libraries are updated to get the new additions into Fedora.
  • IBus typing booster Multilingual support – IBus typing booster started providing multilingual support (typing more than one language using single IME – no need to switch) from Fedora 24, but the UI setup was not ready. Fedora 25 has this ready.

Other than this, we also need to make sure all other languages works well specifically input, output, storage and printing.

How to participate

Most of the information is available on the Test Day wiki page. In case of doubts, feel free to send an email to the testing team mailing list.

Though it is a test day, we normally keep it on for the whole week. If you don’t have time tomorrow, feel free to complete it in the coming few days and upload your test results.

Let’s test and make sure this works well for our users!


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