Tag: Fedora Ambassadors (page 2 of 8)

Ambassadors Revamp Volunteer Kick-Off Revisited

Fedora Mindshare has been actively trying to help Taskforce leads put together volunteers who will be helping revamp the Fedora Ambassador Program. As a part of this effort, the FCIAC and Taskforce lead put out a survey to folks who expressed interest.

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Ambassadors Revamp Volunteer Kick-Off

Fedora Mindshare has been actively trying to help Taskforce leads put together volunteers who will be helping revamp the Fedora Ambassador
Program. As a part of this effort, the FCIAC and Taskforce lead put out a survey to folks who expressed interest.

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Fedora Community Outreach Revamp: Update!

The Mindshare Comittee approved the Community Outreach Revamp proposal after incorporating input from the Fedora community. Mindshare nominated four contributors for potential co-leads for the Temporary Task Force (TTF). Two of the four nominees have capacity for the initiative: Sumantro Mukherjee and Mariana Balla. They will be leading the TTF over the course of the revamp. 

Sumantro and Mariana’s primary efforts will be to help organize the multitude of tasks and communications that need to occur for the revamp to be a success. They are meeting weekly along with Marie Nordin, Fedora’s Community Action and Impact Coordinator (FCAIC). Currently, the co-leads are diving into each area of the revamp plan and adding in more concrete tasks, blockers, and taking a look at how to implement the plan strategically. 

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Fedora Ambassadors Revamp 2020 — call for volunteers

In the past times the Fedora Ambassadors Program had some issues, which made the Ambassadors Team feel disheartened and discouraged. This caused the Mindshare Committee to step up and to gather community input to improve the Ambassadors Program, which gave birth to the Fedora Ambassadors revamp proposal and to create a temporary taskforce which would work on the plan of action in the proposal.

If you would like to apply to volunteer, you can comment on the Pagure ticket with your FAS ID.

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Fedora at SCaLE 17x (2019) Event Report – Pasadena, California

At a Glance: What is SCaLE?

The Fedora Ambassadors gathered statistical feedback from attendees and distributed swag items during SCaLE’s four-day expo.

  • Frequency of the release cycle past Fedora Release 29 trended with guests.
  • Peak visitor days were Friday and Saturday.
  • We collected detailed information for our various Fedora teams. Roll-up found below.

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FAW 2018 Day 2: “Change the world through Open Source. He said.”

Today is Day 2 of Fedora Appreciation Week. To help celebrate the Fedora Project, our fifteen-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the Community Operations team collected Contributor Stories from the community to feature here every day of Appreciation Week.

Have someone you want to thank? Do you want to share your appreciation with Fedora? See how you can celebrate 15 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week over on the Fedora Magazine.

Today’s Contributor Stories come from three people: Chhavi Shrivastava (chhavi), Solanch (solanch69), and Justin W. Flory (jflory7 / jwf).

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Adding your events to fedocal

This message is provided by the Marketing team.

We, the Marketing team, want to promote those events where you are representing the Fedora Community. To do this, we are requesting you to add your events to fedocal.

Fedora Cal Display
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Feedback needed on Fedora event guidelines

The Fedora Diversity & Inclusion Team is working on a new set of best practices and guidelines for Fedora-organized events. The team is looking for feedback from the wider Fedora community, both remote and in-person at the upcoming Flock 2018 conference.

What are the Fedora event guidelines?

Fedora event guidelines are a set of practices to help foster inclusion and grow diversity in Fedora-organized events. We value the participation and involvement of all people – speakers, attendees, and volunteers alike. Everyone can have different challenges or circumstances that affect their ability to participate in an event. Through these guidelines, we want to ensure that we think about the challenges of each and every person. It enables us to work toward helping all people to fully participate, and feel welcomed and comfortable.

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Fedora 28 Release Party at Mexico City

On May 29, 2018 we celebrate our second release party in the UAM Azcapotzalco, this time the talks was given by Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez (bt0dotninja) one of the Fedora Ambassadors in the Mexico City. This release party had two main activities:

  1. “Introducing Fedora 28 ” talk.
  2. and one improvised “How to contribute to the Fedora project” talk.

Four F’s section

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Fedora tackles Southeast Linux Fest 2018

Ambassadors Report for Southeast Linux Fest -Ben and Cathy Williams, Andrew and Julie Ward, Rosnel Echervarria, and Nick Bebout

Southeast Linux Fest June 8 – 10, 2018, Charlotte North Carolina

Southeast Linux fest

Julie and Ben just after setup

The annual event reached its historical 10 year mark this year. Southeast Linux Fest has been one of the most successful and long running events when it comes to Linux and only is topped by Scale and Linux Fest Northwest. Southeast Linux Fest (SELF) an event that is held at the Sheraton Airport Hotel Charlotte North Carolina. This event was centralized to accommodate attendance (easy access from Airport) from many of the surrounding states. We saw many individuals from the Tennessee, Georgia (Atlanta/Macon area), South Carolina, and Florida, as well as the local attendees from the Charlotte area and the state of North Carolina.

Event Goals from the desk of Southeast Linux Fest Coordinator

Discussing the primary goal of this event with the Coordinator (of Southeast Linux Fest), the target was to draw from the surrounding southern states. The secondary goal was opening the event to everyone  interested in learning about free and open source software. Later in this report we will discuss some of the feedback given to the Coordinator about Southeast Linux Fest.

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