Tag: Fedora Ambassadors of Latin / South America (LATAM)

Latinoware 2019

opening ceremony

In its 16th edition, Latinoware started on Wednesday (27) and continued until Friday (29), with a program of over 300 activities. The Latin American Congress of Free Software and Open Technologies at the Rafain Palace Hotel & Convention, in Foz do Iguaçu, attracted over 2700 of participants, including children, students, professionals and even older people, interested in the different topics addressed.

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Fedora Mexico: Three months of activities

The Fedora contributors and enthusiast in Mexico city has monthly meetings since February. Here a little resume of our activities as a local community:

First meeting

The “Fedora Containers Lab” workshop by Alex Callejas (darkaxl017) was the first event of our monthly meetings, the topics were:

  • Installation of KVM and libraries
  • Setup a Fedora Server virtual machine.
  • Install podman and set up many containers inside the virtual machine
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FAW 2018 Day 2: “Change the world through Open Source. He said.”

Today is Day 2 of Fedora Appreciation Week. To help celebrate the Fedora Project, our fifteen-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the Community Operations team collected Contributor Stories from the community to feature here every day of Appreciation Week.

Have someone you want to thank? Do you want to share your appreciation with Fedora? See how you can celebrate 15 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week over on the Fedora Magazine.

Today’s Contributor Stories come from three people: Chhavi Shrivastava (chhavi), Solanch (solanch69), and Justin W. Flory (jflory7 / jwf).

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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Lima, Peru

On Setember 22, 2018 we celebrated the Fedora Women’s Day in Lima, Perú at PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). The Fedora Women’s Day event seeks to integrate women in the world of Free Software. This year, I had the opportunity to be one of the organizers.

Fedora Women's Day 2018 event in Lima, Peru - promotional poster
Promotional poster design
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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects including Fedora. The initiative is led by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team. The number of women in tech have been increasing year over year,  further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On September 21, We had our first Fedora Women’s Day in the UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City) and we loved to do it.

Taken during the first Fedora Women's Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
Taken during the first Fedora Women’s Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
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Fedora 27 release party: Managua, Nicaragua

On February 27th, the Fedora Community in Nicaragua ran a Release Party for the F27 Release. The activity took place in a salon of Hotel Mansión Teodolinda in Managua. This is our first activity of the year. This event was late in the Fedora Development Schedule because the Fedora 28 release is coming soon this year, but we need to keep the community active and keep promoting the Fedora Four Foundations in Nicaragua. The event schedule was…

  1. Few talks about news of the Fedora 27 release
  2. Coffee break
  3. Questions and Answers

Fedora 27 release part in Managua, Nicaragua

Fedora 27 Release Party Managua

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Latinoware 2017 Event Report

Of more than 200 subjects discussed by more than 4,500 nerds, teachers, students and interested in new technologies, coming from various parts of Brazil, neighboring countries Argentina and Paraguay and outside countries, during  three days of the 14th Latin American Congress of Free Software and Technologies (Latinoware), held last week at the Itaipu Power Plant in Foz do Iguaçu, one of the themes that most attracted public attention was how free robotics can improve education, especially in children.

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Ambassadors LATAM: Year in Review

Throughout 2016, the Fedora community in Latin America was active promoting Fedora in local events and showing the Fedora Project objectives  and foundations to possible new contributors and helping them  find their way into different subprojects, as part of the global Fedora community. We had a presence in all relevant events  in Latin America with talks, workshops and stands promoting ours four foundations to the world.

LATAM Highlights

  • FUDCon Puno 2016
    • FUDCon is the Fedora Users and Developers Conference, a major free software event held in APAC and LATAM, since EMEA and NA work together to organize Flock.  FUDCon Puno was a combination of sessions, talks, workshops, and hackfests where contributors worked on specific initiatives. Topics included infrastructure, feature development, community building, general management and governance, marketing,  QA and packaging.
  • Latinoware 2016
    • Held since 2004, Latinoware is one of the biggest events in the world of free software. The event is held in Foz do Iguaçu, a Brazilian city in a region called the Triple Border, near Argentina and Paraguay.  An estimated 4000 people, including students, professionals and specialists, attended the event.
  • FISL16
    • FISL is the largest FOSS event in Latin America and one of the largest in the world. Many Fedora contributors start their way in the Fedora Project from FISL.
  • Flisol
    • Flisol is the most representative event of the Latin American community of free software and every year Fedora has a prominent presence in this event.

FLISoL 2016 Attendee badge

FLISoL 2016 Attendee badge

Goals for 2017

  • We are actively looking for new talent to join the Fedora community. We have LATAM representatives as Ambassadors, packagers, in CommOps, internationalization, design and others. The participation in development is still minimal and this is something we want to improve in 2017.
  • The LATAM community is characterized as an example of friendship among its members, following one of the fundamental values of the Fedora Project. We hope to continue with this characteristic camaraderie in 2017.
  • Since the biggest event of the year for the Fedora Project is Flock, we consider it necessary that there be more representation of LATAM in this event. Then, attendees share the experiences locally and keep pace with the development of Fedora.


Although we are a couple of dozen active collaborators throughout Latin America, we are passionate about free software and we believe in the values of the Fedora Project. We have presence in various areas of the project and we hope to continue promoting Fedora in 2017 by getting more users and collaborators for the project in our region.

FUDCon LATAM 2016 starts today!

FUDCon is the Fedora Users and Developers Conference. The Fedora community holds this event annually in the APAC and LATAM regions since 2005. They became exclusive to APAC and LATAM in 2013 when the EMEA and NA regions began organizing the annual Flock conference.

What is FUDCon?

FUDCon consists of sessions, talks, workshops, and hackfests. For Fedora contributors, it is a unique opportunity to share experiences and work together on common goals for the region. For users, it is an opportunity to come into contact with Fedora contributors in the region. It helps find ways to collaborate with contributors and integrate into the community. For FUDCon LATAM, this helps the growth of the Latin-American community. The 2016 edition of FUDCon LATAM is being held from 13-16 October 2016 at Universidad Nacional del Altiplano in Puno. Puno is in southeastern Peru, on the shore of Lake Titicaca.

See you in Puno!

The Fedora community in Peru is one on the biggest in the region. Peru was the venue for FUDCon LATAM 2013 in Cusco. In 2013, FUDCon LATAM had the biggest audience in almost 10 years of FUDCons (around of 800  people attended the event).  We hope this event will help bring new partners to the Fedora Project!

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