Tag: Flock 2019

CPE Team at Flock – Post Flock

Flock is behind us, so it will be good to do some recapitulation what happened and how it was. Like every year it was awesome to meet people in person and add a face to a name. There was plenty of talks about IoT, Modularity and Fedora CI. Our team attended most of these talks and learned so many new things, heard so many new ideas and initiatives going on.

Here are the events we were part of and how they went.

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Flock to Fedora ’19

Attending a tech conference is not what I’ve experienced before, but I’m sure I’ll keep doing so forever. Flock ‘19 was an amazing one to start with, meeting a flock with same interest always gets you an amazing time. I’ll be sharing down some of the things that I took away from Flock to Fedora ‘19

The community planned a tonne of talks for everyone to attend, unfortunately, it was impossible to attend all of them. These are the talks that I decided to attend.

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Modularity at Flock 2019

The Modularity Team was able to hold a session at Flock 2019 to gather feedback and discuss a few issues. The session was well attended and there was a bunch of great discussion.

We started out by spending 15 minutes, measured on a stopwatch(!) gathering the most pressing issues. The audience and the panel came up with quite a few ideas.

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Living my best 4 days: Flock to Fedora 2019

Months of waiting came to an end and finally, it was time to meet people with whom I have been working for the last four months, being on the other side of the screen. Things seemed different when our last Wednesday conference call ended with “Meet you soon” instead of a “Good Day”. The excitement of attending Flock to Fedora was not only because the virtual interaction is turning to the real meeting but also, it was my first ever International trip. With approaching the 6th of August, the fear of travelling solo was getting on the peak, and at one moment I started questioning if all the trouble I underwent during last month was even worth it. But the time I met Shraddha (another intern working on the same project) at Bangalore airport, we happened to click so much at our first conversation that it was certain that at least my journey will not be me and my headphones all the time. 

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Flock to Fedora ’19

I had a wonderful opportunity to go to Fedora’s annual contributor summit, Flock to Fedora in Budapest, Hungary. This is me penning down my takeaway from a week full of learning!

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CPE Team at Flock

Flock is just around the corner and the CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team will be there to join our Community at our annual event. We are also going to be presenting some talks around work that we are involved with and we have one hackfest ready. Let’s go look at what we have in our sleeves for you and hopefully you will join us at these sessions!

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FPgM report: 2019-31

Here’s your report of what has happened in Fedora Program Management this week. Flock is this week in Budapest. Need to coordinate a ride? See the ride sharing wiki page. Looking for local transit tips? See the Community Blog post.

I have weekly office hours in #fedora-meeting-1. Drop by if you have any questions or comments about the schedule, Changes, elections, or anything else.

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Flock to Budapest

I hear many of you are coming to Budapest. Here’s a quick overview and collection of links to help you easily get to Flock’s venue (district XIII, Kárpát utca 62-64).

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Modularity at Flock 2019

Come and discuss Modularity at Flock! There are three sessions ready that will help you decide when to make a module, how to make them, and a discussion about making everything Modularity work better.

Talk: Modularity: modularize or not to modularize?

Are you a maintainer of packages in Fedora and can’t decide when to use modules? Well, this talk is right for you. In about 15 minutes it will cover a few specific use cases and demonstrate what Modularity solves and what it doesn’t. We’ll have about 30 minutes to discuss any other topics the audience comes up with.

Talk: Tools for Making Modules in Fedora

If you decided you want to use modules, this might be a talk for you. Merlin will walk you through the steps of putting together a module, building it, testing it, and more! All of this in 25 minutes!

Hack: Modularity & Packager Experience BoF

Making modules has not been always an easy process. The technology is very new and there are still some things to finish. Come and help us make it better! We’ll have half a day dedicated to discuss, design, make plans, hack, and more.

Flock Talk & Session Proposal Reminder

It’s hard for me to believe, but it’s been more than five years since we launched the “Fedora.next” initiative. At the end of Fedora’s first decade, we knew it would be important to think, plan, and adjust so the project could continue successfully in the decades to come. Now we’re halfway into the next one, and this Flock conference will be an important time for reflecting on our progress and charting our path for the next five years and beyond.

Because Flock is focused specifically at our contributors and developers, this is a unique conference and we’re looking for talks and sessions that reflect that.

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